Chapter 24

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All of them went to the direction where Juliana smelt the body .

Nicole - Robin !!!! Hey , hey get up , get up

Robin - Where am I ?

Waverly - You are safe now but under control of a Clanton .

Nicole - What ? I thought you killed Margo and saved me .

Waverly - Actually Jer assumed that Margo has a brother who left her when she was small and noone knew where he was so he might be the one behind all of these .

Nicole - Okay , now lets go Rob , slowly , c'mon .

Man - Where are you going after coming so far my little girl ?

The voice shook Ava and she froze in the place . She slowly turned back .

Ava - D-D-Daddy !!!!!

Juliana - What ?

Nicole - Holy shit !

Waverly - What do you want ?

Man - For now only him but later on all of you . (devilish smile) .

Waverly - You are never gonna get that you son of bitch .

Man - Oh really ? Who is gonna control me ?

The man pulled up his sleeves and showed a hand made tattoo representing C with a horizontal stroke from the middle .

Waverly - You are a clanton ?

Man - Yes I am Margo's elder brother , Edward Clanton .

Waverly - That means Ava is clanton too .

Edward - Yes she contains my blood and DNA . Now you'll move from my sight .

Waverly - Wait Ava your surname is McMillan right ?

Ava - Yes miss Earp-Haught that is his surname too .

Edward - Oh sweet darling that is my surname which you all know .

Ava - I'm a Clanton ?

Edward - Yes you are .

Ava looked in shock .

Waverly - Well you know many things but do you know one thing that we can defeat you ?

Edward - Yeah I know you are the angel - the guardian of garden of Edens .

Waverly - Yeah . And Nicole is my shield .

Edward - I know that why I separated her from you .

Waverly - What ?

Edward - Look behind you .

Waverly turned around to find Nicole had been captured in a sphere surrounded by light of golden yellow and she tried to escape but the magical spell prevented her from doing so . It seems like the sphere was sound proof so whatever Nicole is saying or doing nothing can be heard .

Juliana - FREE HER !!!

Edward - What would you do if I didn't ?

Juliana - I would kill you with my powers .

Edward - Oh god you cant kill me with your 1/4 th of angelic power .

Juliana - You know many things but you didn't know that I am 1/3 angel ,1/3 human and 1/3 vampire .

Edward - 1/3 vampire offspring of a normal vampire can cause nothing to me . (devilish laughter)

Ava - She is daughter of Satan - the greatest vampire .

Edward - What ?

Juliana - Yes I'm , I have Satan's gene in me and I can destroy you within one minute .

Edward - Try it .

Jermy comes running towards them .

Jermy - Juliana don't fight with him .

Juliana - But why ?

Jermy - Juliana you are a daughter of devil and he has power given by him by gods so fighting with him can cause your death ,so please stay away from him .

Juliana - No I can't .

Waverly - Yes you can , Jermy take her with you please and take Ava too and leave please

Juliana - But mom !!!!!!!

Waverly - LEAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Juliana , Ava and Jermy left the place along with the unconscious body of Robin . Waverly turned to Edward with full of anger in her face .

Edward - So finally this pretty girl has made her way to get to Satan huh ?

Waverly - I didn't get to him you bastard , he was donar .

Edward - Who knows about that , nobody . Nobody knew what you have done with Satan while he kidnapped you and kept you with him .

Nicole felt a tight grip that her fist was making sure to punch Edward's face if she get any chance .

Waverly - Shut up you son of a bitch .

Waverly grew furious which made her shift , she grew her dark wings and eyes went dark than ever . Her change gave Nicole her power to break through the sphere and protect Waverly . Nicole quickly came out and stand beside Waverly , the sign of angel shield glow dark red behind her neck . Edward quickly emitted a red flash of some power which acts as burning to Waverly . Nicole felt the same since she was responsible for her protection . Nicole used her power to create a shield against Edward's power beam and protect them . When Edward blew it off , the shield also broke . Waverly closed her eyes and slightly opened it and her fist balled up and waiting for something to come as she chanted something . She threw a aqua blue flame towards him but he could survive it since the gurdians of Eden gave him power to survive it . Edward gave a devilish laugh.

Edward - Tired of it angel ?

Waverly - Not at all , you motherfucker .

Edward - Lets play more games then .

Outside the location

Jermy - Julie can you stay still for just one freaking minute ?

Juliana - Sorry uncle but no I cant stay still when my mothers are in danger .

Ava - Hey they are gonna be okay and fine .

Juliana - You cannot say that Ava , you are not there you are here , so you have no idea whats going on there . So just shut your holy fucking mouth .

Ava - Julie !!!

Juliana - I'm sorry Ava I didn't mean to be so harsh its just , just that

Ava - Hey I know that I know whats going on , its okay . I've got you Julie .

Juliana - Thanks . But that's not gonna help me from keeping me here you'll can wait here until they come with blood spilled through their whole body being nearly to death and still they won making victory celebration while they are in hospital .. NO I CAN'T . I just cant wait here and watch those things so I'm going thanks to either way if you both are coming or not , but don't try to stop me .

Juliana ran towards where the fighting was taking place and Jermy and Ava called out her name following her .

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