007 - settling in

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After Dana sent her parents a quick message, telling them that she landed in LA safely and apologizing for not texting earlier because she fell asleep, the girl made her way up to Rob's office. She found him reading through a pile of paper with a concentrated yet frustrated expression on his face.

"Hey. What got you frowning?"

He looked up. "They added a new persona to the Spiderman film and haven't found the right actor yet. We're starting to film in a month."

"Oh, I hope you'll find the perfect match. Uhm, Susan told me you'd show me my room." Dana said as her gaze fell on a photo frame. "You took a photo when we slept?" She smiled at how cute Avri looked, snuggled up on her.

"Yeah, I couldn't help myself." He beamed. "Ah, right, your room. Follow me." He instructed as he stood up and left the office. She followed him to the end of hallway where he opened a door. "Soo, this is your room. Uhm, the room on the left is Susan's and mine. The room on the right is Avri's and next to hers is Exton's."

The room was great; it was big and bright. The furniture was modern and everything was in a beige and light earth toned color scheme. What Dana liked most were the big windows that looked over the farm. Her glance fell on the same picture her father had in his office. Exton, her and Avri asleep on the couch in the living room. She smiled lovingly as she let her fingers run over the photo. "Thank you."

"For what?" Robert asked confused. She turned to him.

"I don't know, just generally for everything." Dana grinned.

He approached her smiling, opening his arms to hug her. Dana wrapped her arms around his torso, buried her face in his shoulder and breathed in his scent of coffee and aftershave.

After staying like this for a few minutes she pulled away. "So, I still want to shower before we eat dinner."

"Do you know what the Missus cooked?" He asked. "Yup, spaghetti."

He hummed. "Well, I'm gonna leave you now. By the way, the right door is the bathroom, the other one the closet and your luggage is also already there." He told his daughter and she nodded as he left her room.

Dana went to the closet to get some clothes to change. She chose some bicycle shorts and an oversized graphic t-shirt, grabbed fresh underwear and went to the bathroom.

As her bedroom, the bathroom had a beige and light earth toned color scheme. It had a spacious shower, a big sink with a huge mirror above and a toilet. It was a bathroom how you would find it in expensive hotels.

She really had to get used to the thought of her father being famous and rich.

After she got showered and dressed again, she checked the articles about her. They really got every possibility covered. Niece, sister, affair, daughter, cousin, new MCU character. It was fucking insane. Dana took a deep breath as she felt panic overcome her.

After she had calmed down again, Dana returned to the kitchen to see that her siblings were awake again.

"Slept well?" she chuckled as Exton ran up to her. He nodded and giggled as she scooped him up and carried him on her hip.

"Dana, d'you like spaghetti?" Dana grinned. "Who doesn't like spaghetti, Exton? Name one person." She exclaimed jokingly. The teen sat him down again as her back began to suffer.

He ran to his place at the table, sat down and patted down on the place next to him, for her to sit down. She followed him and sat down as requested by him, grinning.

"Ah, before I forget. Indio and his girlfriend Kendra are coming over tomorrow and we're going to the beach." Robert told Dana as they ate the spaghetti.

She grinned. "Yay, a sibling that's older than me." She laughed. She looked at Exton and Avri, then turned back to look at Rob. "Nothing against younger siblings but I know all Disney movies by heart because my brother loves them."

Susan chuckled as Rob grinned. "No wonder you fell asleep watching Frozen."

Word count: 710


i hate writing dinner scenes. it is so weird.


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