014 - piano & publicist

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True to her word Dana had played with her little sister until late morning, when the little girl fell asleep in her arms, apparently needing her nap a little earlier that day. Her heart melt, realizing the small girl must have felt save enough to fall asleep, and a smile and a sentimental glint in her eye appeared. The teen's feet went numb after some time, so Dana decided to carefully stand up. She stilled for a second when Avri started to stir but the toddler thankfully didn't wake up.

Dana, who had yet to see the whole house, chose to walk around for a bit, the little kid safe in her arms. Even if her arms started to hurt after some time, she continued to hold on to her sister. She was used to it as she had loved to carry her brother, back when he was only three years old and she was eight.

On her exploration she found a piano which was great as she had learned to play the piano since she was four but had let it slip when school had become too stressful, meaning the last two years. She made up her mind that she definitely needed to play at least once while she was there.

After half an hour she crossed ways with Susan who had had meetings all morning long.

"Hi, Susan." Dana greeted her quietly, almost whispering.

"Oh, hi." Susan took the scene, Avri cuddled in Dana's arms, in and smiled. "One of these days you're gonna make me cry; you two are even more adorable than Indio, when both of them were born."

Dana smiled, looking down at Avri.

"How are you? Bob told me that you weren't feeling well earlier."

"Much better. I just needed the pain killer for my head." Dana shifted her weight to her other leg. "I'm gonna bring her upstairs. She's getting heavy."

Susan nodded. "Oh, wait. I'll take her upstairs." She took her daughter. "Robert is taking a call right now but when he's finished he wanted to talk to you about the press and stuff."

"Oh. Okay."

Dana, who knew that Robert's calls always took way to long, decided that she wanted to quickly play a few minutes on the piano she discovered. She sat down and quickly thought of a song she could play. She decided on Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles.

All the lonely people,
where do they all come from?
All the lonely people,
where do they all belong?

When she was done she noticed her father watch her, sitting on the couch, his legs crossed as usual, and quickly changed to a song, she knew he would know very well. She gave him shit-eating grin when his jaw dropped.

"Where do you know that song from?" He exclaimed shocked.

Dana laughed. "My piano teacher made me play it as warming up almost every lesson. When I googled you, I found out that you had an album and listened to it. I almost died when I recognized 5:30 as my piano warming up song." She stood up and joined him on the couch. "Uh, you wanted to talk about the press stuff?"

"Yes." He nodded. "So Joy, that's my publicist, has been haranguing me to talk to you about making you being my daughter public. So that's what I'm doing. I'd rather give you some more time but..." Robert trailed off.

Dana thought about it for a moment before answering. "Uhm, I don't have anything against being public but I'd rather stay private while still being in school...if that's okay with you. Can we do it when I come back from the trip to Italy after my graduation?"

"Yeah, of course." Her father smiled. "So I'm gonna tell Joy that. When are you gonna be back?"

Dana squinted her eyes, calculating her eyes. "Uh, I'm gonna be back in Munich on 6th August, then I'm packing my things and my flight goes on the 7th, I think. To Atlanta, right?"

"Yes. And you're gonna meet Spiderman."Robert grinned. "If you want."

"Are you kidding?" Dana laughed. "As if I'm gonna let the opportunity slide."

Word count: 693


ahh, this was so close. i'm a little stressed. i have to write 10-15 pages in 10 days and if i completely fuck it up, i have to redo the 12th grade. love the school system.

love y'all. please comment and vote and if you have any ideas for future chapter, hmu!


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