To be a hero

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Izuku hummed tiredly as he held his books, hobbling through the long hallways of his elementary school. He hadn't slept well recently, nightmares filled his dreams and kept him from the warm embrace of sleep. He sighed quietly and he glanced around, Class was about to let out for the day. Izuku was allowed to leave a couple of minutes early from each class since it took him a while to make it across the school. The eight-year-old paused and he leaned on a wall next to the bathrooms. He would wait for Katsuki, the blond's class was close by and they always walked to lunch together.

As kids flooded out of class he hummed and he looks at the crowd searching for blond spiky hair, but he felt two sets of hands grab his shoulders and he looks back to see two of his classmates. " how was special ed?" One boy asks with a grin. He knew despite the friendly expression on the boy's face he was being made fun of. He wasn't even in another class, but they were talking to him like he was so different then everyone else. Children were cruel, Izuku knew that. Words stung.

People assume that the phrase ' sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' what a load of bull crap. The phrase should be ' sticks and stones may break my bones but words will always hurt me.' Because they did. The teachers never did anything about it. Why would they go out of their way to help a child who wouldn't become anything special? He couldn't be a hero, if being disabled was anything he was also quirkless.

" huh are you going to answer or can you not hear too?" The other little boy said and the first let out a laugh. It wasn't only the children's fault, adults were to blame too. Parents didn't teach their kids to be accepting of others. Thus they learn from their parents, many years ago when they had failed to attend his party because their parents were afraid they would 'catch' whatever sickness he had.

" class was fine," he says quietly and he looks at them pressing his lips together. At least there was no physical abuse at the moment. Well, Katsuki had bitten him once when he was three and had taken one of his toys but that was different.No one knew who Izuku's parents were, well they knew one was Hizashi and the other was Shouta but they didn't know that the underground hero was a hero. He knew he shouldn't use that for a power dynamic to be formed.

" hey, Deku stop hanging around Bakugou. You know you are just like an annoying fly, my mom said people like you die young, so why is someone like you so close to him!" One boy said as he shoved past him making the boy lose balance and fall to the ground. He signed as he heard them laugh and walk off. He grabbed onto whatever he could and awkwardly got back but then he realized one of his new notebooks where on the floor and he attempted to bend his torso down so he could reach it. He couldn't crouch so that was an issue.

His eyes stung, he was always a cry baby. He was about to cry when he saw someone pick up his notebook and he saw Katsuki who had a furrowed expression on his face. " why don't you tell them to buzz off huh Deku?" He asks as he looks at him and he handed him his notebook. " I can't stop them from bugging you when I'm not there so you gotta help yourself too," he says as he looks at him and the green-haired boy hummed slightly smiling a bit and sucking up the tears. Mitsuki always said crying was for your pillow after all.

" thank you Kacchan, " he says as he held his notebook and he hummed a bit thinking about how to respond to something like that. He wasn't brave like Katsuki, for starters. He didn't like conflict. That was all, and he was weird so they had every right not to like him. They didn't really like his brother either, but they just stayed away from him because of an unnatural fear. Hitoshi wasn't scary, he was nice and smart and he liked cats and drinking his dad's coffee. But they picked on him because he wasn't scary to the rest of his classmates. " I'd you see the new Crimson Riot movie? He's cool but nothing like All might" he smiled. Luckily Katsuki is just as much of a hero fan as he was. So he successfully changed the subject

" of course I did it was on Tv after all and I finished my piano practice so I was free to watch it" he smiled proudly. Izuku nodded his head as they started to walk down the hall and he spoke of all the hero things they would be doing after he became a pro hero. Izuku liked this fantasy, Katsuki, and Izuku, the hero duo the world needed, best friends who fought villains and won! The two greatest heroes are even better the All might or anyone else. Izuku liked to believe this, even though he knew deep down nothing would come from it.

The first time the green-haired boy heard of the support course it had amazed him, they had quirks of course but wow, they helped heroes. The boy watched through the window as his father talked to another teacher in the hallways. He hummed shyly as a teenage boy looked through the window and smiled a bit waving and he peaked his head through the window looking at Shouta.
" Hey Mr. Aizawa, does Izuku wanna come and see some of our new inventions?" He asks as he looks at him. Izuku glanced at his father with puppy dogs eyes and he heard the tired man sigh before speaking.

" sure but make sure nothing explodes, " he says and Izuku followed the teenager into the support course room. He was sat on a tall stool, it was wonderful, he got to help test out communication tools and he even helped out with some observations. His hero notebook had doubled in notes by the time he left that night.

He walked into the living room and he looks at his family smiling a bit and he spoke. " I wanna be a support hero!" He says as he hops onto the couch for family movie night... Hizahsi looks at him in a bit of shock because it had always been a hero this hero that. But it was a good shock.

" oh Izuku that's wonderful, " Hizashi says and he smiled patting his son on the head. "You'll be a great support hero !" He says and Hitoshi hummed as he held peanuts on his lap and he nodded his head in agreement. So that's what he would do, he would be in the support course. Then he could be a hero with Katsuki!

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