The research of one man

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Throughout his life, Izuku Midoriya Has had many hobbies. When he was younger, his favorite thing to do was sit by the TV and draw for hours. Then a little bit older secret would be listening to rock music and his and his best friend's secret hideout. Eventually, it became researching about his mother and Trying to invent something that would help him walk better.

Every time he would research something about his mom, it was just the same information over and over again, and they said such terrible things about his mother. He didn't want to believe that she was just a bad person and didn't want a child. That she drank and smoked... Primarily since Mrs. Bakugou had known her in high school, and she seemed like a nice person from the yearbook. When he was younger, he always wondered why his mother didn't want him, of course. He was very thankful for having to love and father, but it wasn't the same. He knew they didn't share any blood, but that didn't make him think any less of his parents since they had raised him. He just wished he could figure out who his birth father was; he pretty much knew the man was alive, not because he had gotten any letters or calls but because there is no evidence of his death.

He came across some pretty interesting things; There were many cases of children being found after being missing and dead. All of these children were quirkless; most of them were orphans. The criteria had to be that they were quirkless and age is five and below. Though there were some six and seven-year-olds found. What made it even stranger was they didn't show any signs of being proclaimed quirkless since they had no extra joint in their toe.
Some were found dead, and others still haven't been found, but their reports have been missing. They would be older by now, and they all had reports of births at the same hospital that he had been born in.

Looking back at his mother's medical bill, I didn't have all the information and normal hospital would give a pregnant woman, and none of them would send somebody home if they had health risks. What was going on?

Izuku sighed as he rubbed his eyes and he leaned back in his chair. All of this research wasn't leading anywhere, except he thought he found a phone number that might've been his father. He looked at the numbers he had scribbled on a loose scrap of paper. It had been a phone number attached to his mother's old residence; he presumes they had live together though he didn't know if this man was alive or dead.

He Didn't know if he should do it, he pulled out his phone, and he dialed the number, so he paused, not pressing the button that would call his father. He went for a couple of moments before pressing the button and holding the phone to his ear. It rang for a few moments before there was a click, and a voice picked up, " you've reached Mr. Midoriya's work phone; I'm his assistant. How can I help you?" A voice said, " would you like to schedule a meeting?"

Izuku didn't know what to say, so he said, " yes...As soon as possible, I have something urgent to speak about with him," he said as he tapped his fingers against his desk...he was going to meet his dad, or at least somebody related to him.

The voice Pause before answering a few moments later "Well, this Sunday work, around one?" He voice asks

" sounds perfect "

Izuku had never liked the idea of being followed. It stems from a memory and his past that he didn't like to think about. When he was about seven years old, he was walking back from Katsuki's house. He wasn't supposed to normally walk alone because the blonde would usually accompany him, but the boy only lived a couple of blocks down, and he knew everybody in the area. His fathers had also told him over and over again about stranger danger, and they believe that you'll be okay.

But that one day, he had taken a wrong turn and Ended up walking the long way home. So you see that didn't turn out very well for him because he had been followed by some man. At first, he hadn't thought anything of it since people were walking around this time, but with every turn, he took the man followed him. Even when he took a turn across the street, the man still followed him, so as he started to run a little faster and the man behind him sped up, his heart has started to race.

He couldn't run because he couldn't bend his legs very much and his braces, he couldn't go faster than the speed walk. And even then, it was still kind of slow, especially at that time when his legs were short and stubby. The man had gotten so close he had been grabbed by the back of the shirt, and he had been dragged down the street, and in the direction of a white van, if it hadn't been for a passing police officer, he didn't know where he would be.

He remembered one thing the man said. " quirkless brat make this easy on both of us."
He didn't think much of this at the time, but...the man had known he was quirkless.

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