The boy on the half pipe

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The moment Izuku had turned fourteen, he knew the real training began; he had a year until he would be starting high school. He had dreams of going to the school his parents worked out for years, and they had specifically told both of them that they would not be giving them any help during the entrance exams; it was all up to them...He had dreams of going to the school his parents worked out for years, and they had specifically told both of them that they would not be giving them any help during the entrance exams. It was all up to them.

He had excepted that he couldn't be a hero, in the way most people thought. He wouldn't be able to run into a fight and be able to hold his own, he didn't have a cork, and the use of his legs was getting worse; he wanted to be able to be a hero to the heroes, and that meant becoming a support hero. Izuku may not have a Quirk that could help him out with this job, but he was smart, and he studied heroes like hell. He knew what they needed to fight better, and if the school gave him a chance, he would be so happy.

Izuku hunched over his desk as he tried to fix up what he had been doing. You see, for the support hero entrance exam, you had to create something. And izuku knew what he wanted to do; he wanted to create leg braces that could help him walk better, it would be able or help him walk, and he would be able to run, jump and do everything else you could do with normal legs! They were even better!

" Izuku, come on, you have to get out of here," Shota says as he knocked on the boy's door " you have been cooped up for days," he says as he opens the door to see the fourteen-year-old sitting at his desk like he had been doing for the past week. " really Izuku," he says, and the green-haired boy looked up.

" Hey, dad," he says as he looks up. " um, no, I can't. I don't have time to waste Kacchan has been training like crazy, so," he murmurs as he looks over at Peanuts, who was curled up on the bed. " I can't go out; I have to get in too, and I'm way behind on my project," he says as he looks at him, and he smiled.

" No, go out with Hitoshi, he's been going out every Sunday at this time, and your papa thinks he's doing drugs or something, so go watch over him," he sighed, and Izuku was about to protest though he was stood up and pushed out the door. Izuku sighed as he walked outside to see Shinsou getting on his bike, and he hummed.

" hey, Hitoshi," he says as he walked up to him, " where are you going ?" He asks as he looks at him, and he tilted his head to the side.

" Nowhere !" He says, " ugh, leave me alone...I'm busy," he says, and Izuku shakes his head. " you aren't going to leave me alone, are you? Okay, then you can walk," he says since Izuku couldn't ride a bike.
Hitoshi started walking his bike " you better not do anything stupid," he says.

Izuku nodded as he looks at him. "I won't, but where are we going?" He asks

" The skatepark," he says.

" Why? You don't know how to skateboard," he says " are you doing drugs?" He asks.

" What? No, I'm not doing drugs," he says " just shut up and follow," he says as he looks at him and he walked. When they got to the skatepark, he sat down on a bench and looked forward.

" so you came here to sit?" Izuku asks, and he felt a hand cover his mouth as he glanced at his brother to see what he was looking at. He followed the boy's eyes to see a blond on a half pipe. He had a big smile on his face. The boy had blond hair with a black streak that looked like a lightning bolt.

Izuku licked his hand, and Hitoshi looked at him with a grossed-out look and wiped his hand on Izuku's shirt. " ew!" He says.

" You think he's cute, don't you?" Izuku asks as he looks at him. " awe," he says.

" No! I'm just! I'm not gay," he says as he crossed his arms, and Izuku laughs. " Okay, I am gay, but I don't even know him. I think he's just good at skateboarding," he says as he looks at him and he brushed his hair out of his face.

" sure, go talk to him," he says as he looks at him and he shakes his head.

" no way... no, this is not happening. We are going home," he says as he looks at him, and he stands up, dragging him away, and Izuku shouts.

" Boy on the skateboard! Hey!" He says, causing the boy to look at him and then fall. Hitoshi paused as he looks at him, and he ran to the halfpipe helping him up.

" Hey, sorry, my brother is an idiot. Are you okay?" He asks as he looks at him, and he tilted his head to the side.

" no, it's okay, haha, you have to bail sometimes," he says as he looks at him, and he looks at him " hey, your the guy that's here all the time; what's your name?" He asks

" Shinsou...Shinsou Hitoshi," he says " And you are?" He asks, and the blond stood up.

" Kaminari, Kaminrai Denki," he says as he looks at him, and he held his skateboard " I'll see you around Sinsou" he smiled as he gave him a thumbs-up, and he smiled as he ran off, and Izuku smiled.

" and now you have spoken to him, your welcome," Izuku says.

" I hate you sometimes," Hitoshi says.


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