danny x reader

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⌨︎︎ 3rd person POV

It was evening, the warriors settled down to watch a movie together.
"Come on! I never get to pick!" Danny complained.
"Because your taste in movies is just as bad as your banjo playing, if anyone should pick it should be me." Y/N rolled their eyes.
"Oh snap! I pick Y/N after that killer burn." Wallow said and high fived them.
"Let's watch Butter Lettuce Babies! Just like old times." Beth offered. The others agreed.
Just like old times.
Beth and Chris were saying some of the lines with the characters, the others would occasionally join in.
"That was literally the 739th time I've seen that movie." Y/N said.
"You've been counting?" Chris said.
"Yup." Y/N smiled.
"What do you guys wanna do now? I'm not really tired yet." Wallow groaned.
"Whatever. I'm gonna go check on Jelly Kid." Danny got up and walked to his room.
"We should play that game, I forget it's name..." Beth thought.
"Butter Lettuce Babies? The board game? Please, pleaseeee anything but that...." Y/N whined.
Beth's face lit up as she sprung up from the couch and grabbed the game.
"Ugh!! I can't deal with any more butter lettuce babies!!" Y/N groaned.
"It's a fun game, don't worry." Chris laughed.
Wallow sighed, "It might be fun for you and Beth, but the rest of us never win because you two know too much about Butter Lettucs Babies!"
"What's taking Danny so long?"
"I dunno." Wallow shrugged.
"I'll go get him," Y/N sighed, "he owes me a piggy back ride anyway." They got up and headed to Danny's room, leaving Wallow alone with Beth and Chris and that stupid lettuce game.

"Dann- Holy-" Y/N yelped. Jelly Kid laid in the middle of Danny's room, decapitated.
"Chill, it's only Jelly Kid!" Danny exclaimed.
"What the hell happened?!" Y/N asked.
Chris and the others came running to Danny's room see what happened.
"Catbug tried to kill JK again!"
Jelly Kid's head floated back into his body and he shwooped out a piece of bread and scattered away.
"You had us scared Danny, I thought something happened to you." Beth looked stern.
"You're always worrying about me girl, give it a rest." Danny earned a cold stare from Y/N, which he didn't notice.
Beth scoffed, "Whatever. Cmon guys, we're not done with our game."
Chris followed Beth like an excited puppy while she dragged Wallow along.
Y/N sighed at Danny.
"So," Danny started, "how about we do something Y/N? Just you and me."
"Whatever you say Danny." Y/N sat at the edge of Danny's bed, staring at the posters in his room.
"Jeez Danny, the amount of picture of you that you have, it's quite astonishing, really."
Danny shrugged, "Hope that's a compliment, I've got no idea what that means."
Danny flopped onto his bed next to Y/N, shaking the bed a bit.

"I just realised Y/N," Danny looked over at them, "We barely hang out together. Like, alone."
Y/N was a bit shocked Danny had said that, it felt like he cared about their friendship.
Y/N laid down next to him, "I suppose, remember when we were kids? Y'know, back in grade school?" The two of them had been victims of the Low Gravity Hacker Pack back when they were kids. It gave them something to bond over almost, without each other they would have been two bullied, lonely kids.
Y/N was glad to have Danny with them growing up; they just didn't know if Danny felt the same.
Danny sighed, "You know, I hate to admit it but I had the biggest crush on you back then."
Heat rose in Y/N's face. They had no idea Danny had liked them previously, they thought Danny wouldn't like them back. But Danny said he used to have a crush on them, so does that mean he doesn't now? Y/N still had a crush on Danny from the moment the two met.
"Wow that's crazy..." Y/N tried to control the tone of their voice.
"Yeah I know right?" Danny got up and stretched, "How about we watch a movie we actually like? Remember all the sleepovers we used to have?" Danny turned his TV on and went to go pick out a movie.
Y/N laid there, confused. Their mind raced about the boy in front of them. The boy who always wore red, their complimentary colour.
Danny nudged Y/N, "You good bro?" Y/N got up.
"Yeah I'm fine, so what movie are we watching?"
Danny developed a sinister look, which made Y/N worried, "We're watching..... Return of the Concierge."
Y/N gasped, "Danny! You know I hate that movie!" Danny laughed and started the movie, "No backing out of it this time Y/N! It's about time you faced your fear."
Y/N sighed and sat down with Danny on his bed, just like old times. They never realised how small Danny's bed was, or maybe the two of them grew. Y/N noticed Danny inching closer to them, maybe he wasn't, maybe Y/N only wanted him to. But when Danny's shoulder came in contact with theirs, that's when they knew he was.

About a half hour into the movie the scary parts came on, Y/N couldn't handle it. That movie gave them nightmares as a kid.
Y/N jumped and latched onto Danny by accident. They didn't realise until a few seconds later, and didn't want to let go since it had already been to long.
Y/N got so mad at themselves for losing their self control.
"Aww, cmon cuddlebug, too scary for you?" Y/N whimpered at the sudden pet name given to them and nuzzled deeper into Danny's chest while he snaked his arms around them.
"I'm. Not. Scared." Y/N tried to block out the sounds of screams coming from the television.
Danny chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. You say that every time we watch this."
"Why do you keep putting it on?" Y/N's voice was a bit muffled.
They knew Danny was smirking even though they couldn't see.
"You just get so cute when you're scared, I can't resist it."
Y/N felt their heart skip a few beats as Danny said those words. Danny must have noticed Y/N tense slightly.
"Remember what I said earlier about liking you before, well-"
"I've always loved you Danny." Y/N lifted their head up to meet eyes with Danny and just went in for the confession.
Danny's expression softened, "I'm glad I feel the same way."
Almost on impulse, Y/N leaned into Danny, him doing the same.
The two shared a kiss they've been wanting to have for almost their whole lives.
Memories of the experiences they shared came flooding back. The electric puke button, always being the odd ones out, unitards, all of it played in their heads as they shared their affection with one another.
They sat comfortably in silence for a few minutes before Y/N spoke up, "You have no idea how long I've waited for that, I'm glad the time has come."
Danny nodded and smiled at Y/N, his new partner. Danny could have had anyone else in the world, anyone else would have treated him like shit. But he knew Y/N was his soulmate. He was the Beth to their Chris, the cat to their bug, they were his everything.
Everything from the minute they met, everything including every small detail.
Everything about the two of them.
Y/N felt at home, and so did Danny.

yayy! a danny fic complete
this one wasn't a request, but they are currently open, so be sure to go and request whatever you want! <3

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