danny x fem!reader [REQUEST]

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Warning: kinda suggestive and a semi detailed make out session

⌨︎︎ 1st person PO V

I arrived back at the invisible hideout on my ship. Groaning, I flopped onto my bed. After an intense solo mission, all I wanted to do was sleep for the next 100,000 years. I knew I physically couldn't do that. I decided to go look for someone to bother or hangout with in the meantime.

To my disadvantage, Beth was out with Plum, Wallow with his alien buddies, Chris....was missing.
That left Danny.
I sighed, not because I didn't like Danny, but because I like Danny. How could you not like Danny? He had the most perfect hair, the cutest cheeks (Plum would disagree), and he has a hilarious personality. I knew he was going through a tough time, especially since Chris was gone. I always tried to be a supportive friend to him, every time I tried to comfort him would end with both of us in tears. When I'm with Beth and Wallow on the other hand, we just eat a ton of food and cry together.
Damn, I really miss Chris too. He was like an older brother to me... or something.
I assumed he was in his room working on an invention or hanging out with Jelly Kid, so that's where I decided to go.

Gathering up courage, I knocked on his door.

No answer.
"Strange", I thought as I walked toward the elevator.
The hideout felt empty, maybe Danny had gone somewhere without telling anyone or leaving a note.
Out of boredom, I figured I should just go raid the fridge and watch TV. I giggled at my thoughts while walking towards the living room/ kitchen area.
I heard glass slam onto a table and I started to walk with haste.
There sat Danny at the table, grasping an empty whiskey bottle.
He saw me, "(Y/N)...."
Danny swayed as he stood up. Gasping, I rushed over to help him.
"My god Danny, you're drunk." I felt regret churn in my stomach as I thought about how I should have been there for Danny. His drinking problem started when Chris disappeared. I swear, he gets it from his dad.
"(Y/N).." He muttered again.
I rolled my eyes, "Come on, let's get you to bed."
Danny chuckled, stumbling a bit, "We don't need to, to go to bed. We can do it right here.."
My eyes widened trying to process what he just said. I knew he was drunk and all but, what is he suggesting.
"Ok Danny stop. You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying..." My eyes watered a bit. I slung his arm over my shoulder and started to guide him to his room.

His voice broke the silence, "(Y/N), you're the most extraordinary person I've met." I shuddered at his words, "I love you."
I tried to ignore Danny, he couldn't think straight right now. He probably has no idea what he's saying.
"(Y/N)? Hello?" Danny was starting to sober up. I tried to hide my discomfort.
"Yeah?" I spoke very weakly as we walked down the hall.
Danny turned his head, "I mean it."
We stopped walking, Danny held my cheek and smashed his lips onto mine. The taste of alcohol burned my mouth as our faces collided. I was in shock, I couldn't fight him, I gave in.
Danny grabbed my breast and started fidgeting with it, I moaned in the kiss. I started to play with his hair, causing a moan to escape his lips.
Danny led me to his bedroom. As much as I did want this, I figured Danny wouldn't if he didn't drink.
"Danny stop," I spoke up, "This isn't right, you aren't you right now." I pushed him off of me and headed for the door.
Danny's eyes went wide, "Wait! (Y/N)!"
I turned around with a sour look on my face, trying to hide my sorrow.
"I was serious when I said I meant it. You've got my favourite eyes in the universe, I love you." Danny's eyes were clouded with emotions of love and hurting. "Please, stay with me." His voice cracked.
I thought for a minute....
I gave Danny a sincere smile.
"Danny," I sat by him, "listen, if those things you said earlier are true well.... I love you too." I immediately regretted saying that, but my regret faded when Danny's lips crashed onto mine.
We continued for a few minutes until things started to get spicy...
"Danny, I- uh.." I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow along with where this was going. What if it would be a one-off thing? Doesn't Danny have a crush on Plum? Why me?
"Do you want to continue? We don't have to." Danny sounded serious, less drunk than earlier. I looked into his eyes, then nodded, "Yeah..."

The rest of the night was a blur.

I can assume what happened since I woke up naked. Next to Danny. On his bed. I stayed there for a couple minutes trying to fall asleep again until I felt a hand snake around me.
"Good morning, (Y/N)." Danny whispered.
I hummed in response, a bit surprised. "Last night was... great." Danny snuggled me a bit.
I was lost in thought, I spoke them out loud, "Danny... did you, I mean, are we a thing now? If you meant it as a one night stand I'm fine with that I guess it's just I," Danny cut me off.
"(Y/N)... I was hoping of meaning last night as a way of showing you that, that I love you." Butterflies rushed in my stomach as he said that. He did say that last night but now I knew he actually meant it.
I looked up Danny, "I love you too Danny." Both of us smiled.

"I'm glad you do, (Y/N)."

Yay! One shot #1 done! Hope you liked it, I've never written smut/lemon before so sorry if it's a bit weirdly formatted. Thanks for reading !!

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