✩chris x fem!reader [REQUEST]

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⌨︎︎3rd person POV

It was just a normal day like any other. In the Holo-John, (Y/N) relaxed in her favourite fantasy.
Everyone else was busy doing their own things, which left the Holo-John open for (Y/N) to claim for herself.
With her robe and face mask on, (Y/N) closed her eyes, almost drifting off to sleep.
The sound of the door opening startled (Y/N). "Who's there?!" (Y/N) bolted upright.
It was no one other than Chris, "(Y/N)! I didn't know you were in here, the door was unlocked." Chris ran a hand through his hair in embarrassment.
"Oh Chris, it's fine, and I guess I did forget to lock the door. I'm just about done in here anyway..." (Y/N) had a slight bit of disappointment in her voice as she got up, "Computer, end simulation."

As those words exited (Y/N'S) mouth, the lights in the Holo-John flickered off, causing Chris and (Y/N) to not see anything.
"(Y/N)?! What's going on?!" Chris' voice echoed in the room.
(Y/N) looked around the room to find Chris, but all she saw was the black abyss of darkness, "I think there's some kind of malfunction going on, we gotta get someone to open the door from the outside."
(Y/N) started for the door, but didn't know where it was since she couldn't see.
"Ah danks, what are we gonna do now?" Chris sighed.
I shrugged in response, then realised he couldn't see me. Chris spoke up again, "(Y/N), I'm gonna try something..."
Chris cleared his throat, "Computer, load Mountain Heights, Chris program 4."

A breathtaking view of a forest and sunset appeared. It looked similar to what the Courageous Battlers had mentioned about Earth.
"Woah," (Y/N) looked at Chris, "This is incredible..."
Chris kept staring at the view, "Yep... there's nobody I'd rather share it with than you.."
Lightly gasping at his words, Chris's face grew dusty with blush. (Y/N) had her eyes focused on the view. Smiling to herself, she intertwined her hand with Chris's. Chris looked at (Y/N) her (length) (colour) hair swished in the virtual winds of the Holo-John.
The two stayed in place, admiring the sight, until they snapped back to their situation.
The door seemed to be locked from the outside, causing the two to not be able to leave.

Like a lightbulb went off in her head, (Y/N) thought of something, "Chris! Could you try using your emotion powers to signal to someone that we need help?"
Chris gasped in response, "(Y/N), ah, you're the best! Why didn't I think of that?"
Chris' eyes opened and glowed a bright yellow as he used his power. Shutting his eyes, Chris sighed.
"What happened?" (Y/N) asked.
"I managed to get ahold of someone," Chris started, "but...."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "But what?"
"It's Impossibear.... the others are too far away to hear me, and he's not gonna let us out unless we give him something in return."
Chris groaned.
(Y/N) sighed, "Tell him I'll give him five dollars and a back rub if he lets us out." (Y/N) knew Impossibear would do anything for a back rub.
Chris activated his power again.

Almost instantly, the door to the Holo-John slid open.
Bag of chips in his hand, Impossibear stood at the doorway with a sour look on his face.
"Impossibear," (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Wait for me in the living room, I'll be there in 5."
Impossibear left, Chris and (Y/N) stood in the hallway outside the Holo-John.
"Chris wait," Nerves grew in (Y/N), "I thought.. I thought you liked Beth.." (Y/N) didn't make eye contact with Chris.
Chris chuckled a bit, "Well, this whole time... I liked you.. I didn't want the others to find out who I really liked, so I used Beth as a cover up. She knows I don't like her and I like you." Chris face had gotten pinker with every word.
(Y/N) smiled. Chris could tell she felt the same because of his emotion lord powers.

"Hey (Y/N)," Chris started as he turned to leave, "Good luck on Impossibear's back rub."
(Y/N) smile grew wider at the blonde as he walked out of sight.

(A/N): Another request done! It's a bit short, I'm in the process of writing a few other non-requested one shots. Hope u enjoyed !!!! ʕʔ

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