|114| The Jig is Up

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It was mid morning in the Saint Mungo's break room when Sirius pushed past annoying Florence Stump and planted himself in the wooden chair across from Lily so violently that it sloshed her lukewarm tea.

"Nice of you to join—"

"Evans, I need your cupcake recipe."

"Sirius, I'm not really interested in helping you prank that poor house elf again."

Sirius scowled. "That 'poor house elf' is a menace to society and had it coming, Lilith. But that's not what it's for. Addy's aunt is hosting a dinner party for her birthday."

"Ah... that explains the gruffness..." Lily muttered, sipping her tea.

But he was not gruff. He was determined. Determined to sweep Addy off her feet with the worlds best cupcake recipe... also known as Lily's cupcake recipe.

Lily's lip twitched, as if she was trying to not smile which only put Sirius more on edge.

"I'll give you the recipe," she said. "But, for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure Flora's already on your side."

"Flora? They're for Addy, you dunce."

Lily did that thing where she tried not to smile again.

"Stop doing that!" Sirius complained.

"I didn't do anything!"

"You're acting all pretentious like you know something I don't."

"I'm not acting pretentious."

"Ah, so it comes naturally, does it?"

Lily scowled. A part of his brain that sounded remarkably like his best welsh werewolf friend, told him it was best not to antagonize those whom he was asking for help.

"You're being an arse because you're stressed about having dinner with Addy's aunt and making a good impression and it's annoying. Flora already likes you. I'll give you the stupid recipe, but some dumb cupcakes aren't going to make or break the evening."

Sirius couldn't figure out how to prove her wrong and also not get hexed so he opted for a nice grunt and busied himself with balancing on the back two legs of his chair.

Across the tea room a couple of the older interns were eating chocolate eclairs and talking about some party they were going to Saturday. Where'd they get those eclairs from?

"What're your plans this weekend, Evans?" he asked

"Oh, you know..." she shrugged.

"No, I don't. That's why I asked."

Her fingers tapped on the tea cup. "Nothing terribly special. May get ice cream with a friend..." she shrugged again, but it was awkward and stiff.

Sirius's chair landed with a thud. "A friend, eh? It's not that git Snivellus is it?"

"His name is Severus," Lily snapped. "And no. It's not."




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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