|47| The Third September 1st

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"Tell me."


"Addykins. Please!"

"Not happening Sirius."

"Have I mentioned how pretty you look today?"

Adelaide blushed profusely. "Still not telling."

Sirius sighed dramatically, slumping down in his seat within the train compartment. "Why do you torture me so?!"

"They probably won't even pick him anyway. They're best mates with Robs parents." She shrugged, looking out the window for sign of the other Marauders.

"Rob?" Sirius repeated raising an eyebrow. "You and Pugface McGee have nicknames now? What does he call you, Addy-boo?"

"Oh give it a rest! I've told you a thousand times. I was not flirting with him."

"Oh you definitely were." Sirius smirked.

"Would you shut up and please help me look for the others?" She snipped. It was at times like these that she wondered how she still fancied that mongrel.

Since Adelaide's refusal to tell Sirius who the next suitor was, he had taken up the noble task of pestering her even more than usual in an effort to exact the family whom she may be marrying into. Filip Fawley immediately noticed his incessant questioning and was privately amused by his daughters fortitude. He fully expected her to tell Sirius that it was his family right away. But instead, she became more resolute in not telling Sirius as the days went by, to the point that Filip was unsure if she really didn't want to tell him, or if she just enjoyed watching him beg for information.

It was both.

"No, they'll find us eventually." Sirius said waving around his hand dismissively. "Addy please tell me! I can't prank him and call him a prat if I don't know who it is!"

Adelaide smirked. "I told you I don't know who it is. I only know the family."

"Wait. Addy... are you saying it could be more than one person?"

Adelaide made a look of deep frustration. "I mean... technically."

"So it's brothers... Okay, well that narrows things down a bit." He said happily.

"Hey Addy!" Said a tall boy with blue-green eyes and sun-tanned skin, waving from the door of the compartment, flashing a dazzling smile.

"Evan!" Adelaide exclaimed with a grin, running to give her 'friendly enemy' a large embrace.

"Ooof. I always forget how strong your hugs are." He chuckled.

"Oops." She said flashing a sheepish smile. "I've been training to try out for Quidditch... I think my hugs have gotten a bit more forceful..."

"Wait, you're trying out for Quidditch?! That's awesome! What position?"

"Chaser." She said a bit shyly.

"I bet you'll be great! I'm sure Mary will be thrilled!" He chuckled. "Erm... you haven't happened to see her, have you?"

"She's sitting with Evans and McKinnon a little further down." Sirius interjected coldly, trying to get Addy's sketchy slytherin friend to leave.

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