|55| I Promise

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"That bastard nearly killed our daughter!" Cathryn Fawley shouted, face looking more hawk-like than ever as she stormed through Fawley Manor.

"Cathy..." Filip warned.

"NO FILIP! HE NEARLY KILLED HER! If Mimsy hadn't been there... Filip she would be dead! Dead, just like—" Cathryn's breath caught in her throat. "Filip I can't go through that again...I won't." she said slowly, shutting her eyes tightly in an effort to silence the painful memories.

"I know." Filip said calmly.

"And this was all for what?! So he could make some ridiculous point?! So he could test how strong she really was!? She's thirteen! Did he really expect her to just whip out wandless magic right there in the middle of the bloody game?! You know, I doubt he would have cared at all if she died. I thought he might, since he has some weird obsession with her— but he was prepared to let her die right there in front of us Filip! He knows what happened to—" her breath caught again... then she let out a loud cry of anguish and anger. "Filip you know what Tom does to those who go against him... And we both know Adelaide is too stubborn to ever work with him willingly, especially not now that she's become infatuated with that— that blood traitor."

"I know...and I promise, we will keep her alive, Cathy." Filip said, moving to hold his distraught wife. "I promise."

* * *

It was late when Sirius sat in the wooden chair within the darkly lit room, doing Adelaide's potion's essay. He was half-way through explaining the key ingredients to the Antidote to Uncommon Poison when he heard bells chiming in the distance.

It was November 3rd.

He was officially 14.

Normally, he would be excited. Normally he would have wanted a party— some dramatic display that would act as a salve over the hurt he felt knowing his parents didn't care— but this year, all he wanted was Adelaide to wake up. All he really wanted was to hug her and hear her laugh.

He looked over at her delicate and deeply bruised face, her limbs forced back into their proper position with casts and slings. Poppy was very good at her job, but there was hardly a part of her inside or out that went unscathed; hardly a bone in her body that hadn't been broken, crushed, or cracked. It was a miracle that she even survived a fall like that at all.

He brushed aside the pale blonde hair that had fallen into her face and felt a heavy guilt set in.

He was supposed to protect her, and he failed.

Once again, he thought to himself, Sirius Black has managed to be the world's biggest disappointment.

He was jerked out of his self-pity by a small 'Pop!' that caused him to drop the quill in his hand out of surprise.

"Happy Birthday Sirius Orion Black The Third," squeaked a voice. Sirius, who was bending over to retrieve the quill, looked up to see a pair of gigantic electric blue eyes looking back at him.

"M-mimsy?" he croaked out. Voice tired and hoarse from crying and screaming. She nodded aggressively, bat like ears flopping around wildly. "What are you doing here?"

Mimsy looked over to Adelaide, gigantic eyes welling up with tears. "Mimsy cames to check on Miss Adelaide... and to give Sirius Orion Black the Third his birthday present."

"Give me a— wait, how did you even know she was hurt?"

Mimsy's tears overflowed and she began to sob loudly.

"M-mimsy knew T-Tom R-r-r-riddle was going to h-h-hurt her! M-mimsy tried t-to s-save M-miss Adelaide!"

Sirius grabbed some tissues from Adelaide's bed-side-table handing them to the distraught house elf, brain whirling with questions. "What do you mean you knew he was going to hurt her? How did you save her?"

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