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I was sitting outside a convenient shop and lit a cigarette after having a fight with my parents. I just needed some space and clear my brain for a bit.

As I sat there, feeling the breeze on my face and listening to peoples conversations as they past, blowing smoke out of my mouth and nose, I felt someone approach me.

"Do you mind lighting my cig? I forgot my lighter," I looked beside me and saw a tall guy, who had a mohawk kinda hair style with the front bleached. He was pretty attractive, not gonna lie.

"Yea sure, here," I passed him my lighter and he lit his cigarette. "Thanks," he tossed it back at me, but I wasnt expecting it and it hit my face and fell on the ground.

Next thing I know he's laughing at me. "You're supposed to catch it, dumbass," he said chuckling. "I know that! It just caught me off guard is all," I said in defense.

"I'm Hanma, by the way," he reached his hand out with a smirk. "Y/n," I reached out to grab his hand with a smile. "Nice to meet ya, but I gotta go, hope to see you around, (a goofy nickname/ off pronouncement of your name)" he started to walk away.

"That's not my name! But yea, hope to see you around!" He seems really chill, I wanna get to know him.

(A few weeks later)

I was walking around at night to get out of my toxic household for a bit, a cigarette obviously hanging out my mouth. I can't wait till I can move out.

Out of no where I'm grabbed from behind and lifted up by my waist. "H-hey! Let me go you punk!" I yelled and started to thrust around to get out of this persons grip. Damn they're strong.

That's when I heard it, his laugh. "Chill will ya, its just me, dont worry. If you dont stop moving I might just drop you," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Why'd u do that! You scared the shit outa me!" He set me down and I hit his chest. "Ow, so rough," he said pretending to be hurt by my weak ass punch.

"Glad to see you again, stranger," I said with a smirk, blowing smoke his way. "Same here babe," he said smirking.

I blushed at the petname. "B-babe!? Where'd that come from!??" I asked all flustered. "Aww, I thought it was cute," he shrugged his shoulders with a playful pout.

"I-It is, it was just unexpected!" I blushed even more and hid my face with my hands. Next thing I know I'm in his arms, my face burried in his chest, feeling the vibrations from him chuckling.

"You're cute, ya know that?" He asked while resting his chin on the top of my head. All I did was hum and enjoy his embrace. He smells like cologne, smoke, and... Car oil? It's a nice combination.

"Mhm, you smells nice," I said snuggling into him more. "Thanks, babe," he said it again, and this time i could 100% hear his smirk. He knows what he's doing.

Time to play along. "You're welcome, sweetheart," I said giggling. He pulled away slightly and lifted my chin up to stare into my eyes.

"Careful, you might make me fall for you," he said with a serious face. All I could do was stare into his gorgeous golden eyes.

"What if I want you too?" I asked with a light blush covering my cheeks. He smiled and leaned forward, and I closed my eyes, waiting for his contact.

I felt his warm breath on my earlobe. "I'm serious Y/n," he said and then licked my neck. "So am I," I said back, shivering from his touch.

I heard him hum and he looked me in my eyes once again, holding my chin between his thumb and pointer finger.

He leaned in and kissed me, and obviously I kissed him back. I dropped my cigarette and tangled my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss.

He bit my bottom lip, making me moan in the process, and he took this time to slip his tongue in. I decided to not fight dominance since it's obvious who would win anyways.

After a while of making out we pulled away for air, both of us with a blush on our face and a string of salvia connecting us still.

"Lets go on a date tomorrow, ok?" He asked me, a smirk now planted on his face. "Sounds good," I answered with a smile.



ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 | 𝘚. 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘮𝘢Where stories live. Discover now