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"Sounds good," I answered with a smile. He had a shocked face before smiling, obviously caught a little off guard at me agreeing to the date so soon.

"So, where we gonna go?" I asked. He thought for a second, before smiling and answering. "It's a suprise," and smirked and continued, "but wear something cute and casual, and meet me here around 12:00 pm," he finished while grabbing my hand.

I smiled amd nodded my head giggling. "Y'know, this will be my first ever date, so it better be good!" I jokingly threatened.

"Trust me, you wont be able to forget it," he replied giving me a wink and spinning me around, and pressing my back against his chest.

I'm glad he did that, so he wouldnt be able to see my red ass face. "Now you've really peaked my interest," I said trying to contain my blush and smile. "Good, gotta keep a pretty girl like you on your toes," he added.

I giggled and hummed while leaning more into his chest, snuggling into his warmth since it was getting a little chilly outside.

"Here," he said taking off his jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders, "this'll keep you warm till you get home," he said with a glimmer in his eyes.

I smiled at his action and happily snuggled into the oversized jacket, secretly taking in his scent. I could get used to this.

"Speaking of which, I should probably get back, my parents will be pissed if they find out I sneaked out again, bye Hanma," I said pulled him down to my height and gave him a small peck on his cheek before running off, lighting a cigarette.

(Next morning)

I woke up from my parents fighting again, and decided it was a perfect time to get ready to leave.

I put on a loose red and black checkered skirt, a white tank top that had "Kitten" written across the chest, and Hanmas jacket.

I snuggled into it, smelling it again. He just had such an addictive scent, I couldn't seem to get enough of it.

I left out my window, making sure I had a lighter, my cigs, and my phone with me.

I went to where me and Hanma were last night and realized I came about 20 minutes early.

I lit a cigarette and let the nicotine fill my lungs. I can't get enough of the feeling, but I would kill to feel Hanma's kiss again.

Speaking of Hanma, he arrived and smirked at me. He was wearing black skinny jeans that had a few rips, a loose white T, and he had his hair down.

I smiled at his appearance. "You look handsome today," I told him with a blush. "As do you, my lovely lady. I said dress cute and casual, not dress to make every male we walk pass get jealous that you're with me," he said chuckling.

"I could say the same! Lookin so damn attractive, and for what?" I said grabbing his hand giggling. "Well, for you of course <3"



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