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"Dork," I mumbled under my breath, blushing at his cuteness.

He looked at me and smiled and grabbed my hand, walking to the nearest shop that sold sushi.

Once we arrived we bought one large tray of different kinds of sushi and walked outside and sat on the side of the shop.

"Thank you," I thanked him before reaching to grab a roll. "Of course," he looked at my shirt and looked back at me, smirking, "kitten."

I just about choked on the sushi I just put in my mouth, my face going redder then my skirt. "H-HANMA!" I yelled at him and smacked his arm, using my opposite arm to cover my face.

All he did was laugh and continue to eat. "Its not funny!" I said and puffed out my cheeks while crossing my arms. "It is a little bit," he said smirking and bringing his thumb and pointer finger together, but not quite touching.

I rolled my eyes and picked up another sushi roll. "I almost choked on my food," I told him, slightly annoyed. All he did was shrug his shoulders and chuckle a little. "You'd have been fine dork, didn't I tell you I'd protect you?"

"You were the reason I almost choked!" I argued. He just laughed and kissed my temple. "Just eat your food, dumbass," he said smiling.

"And try not to choke this time," he added, giving me a side glance with a smirk. "Ha ha, very funny," I replied, rolling my eyes, chuckling a little bit.

Once all the sushi was gone we stood up, Hanma helping me while grabbing my hand and lifting me up, making sure my skirt doesn't come up. I bent over to pick up our trash, Hanma blocking peoples view of my ass.

I threw the tray away and grabbed his hand, making our way to the theatre. "So, what movie are we going to see?" I asked him, looking up to see his face, a content smile resting on his lips. "Hm? Oh, we're seeing "See No Evil", it just came out," he told said while looked down at me, and smiled.

"Isn't it a horror movie?" I asked while smirking. "Bingo," he said chuckling and looking straight ahead. I shook my head and giggled. "Wooowww so original," I said while shoving his arm. "Lemme guess, you're gonna put your arm around my shoulder and hold me really close when I get scared?" I said mockingly and giggling.

"Pfft, obviously," he replied laughing. "How'd you figure it out?" He asked while smirking. "Hm, I wonder," I said while the path of us burst out laughing.

"To bad for you, I don't get scared easily," I told him smirking. "So, the roles might be switched," I told him giggling. "Aww, you'll hold me close if I get scared? I'm flattered," he sarcastically replied, chuckling. "Of course sweetheart," I told him slightly tightening my grip on his hand.

He looked at me and shook his head, smiling. "You're so cute, y'know that?" He stopped walking and turned me so I would be looking directly at him. I just simply looked into his golden eyes and nodded. "I believe you've told me once or twice," I told him smiling.

He put his hand on my cheek and brought his face closer. "Good, I'm glad you know," he whispered before leaning in for a kiss. I decided to tease and lean back before we made contact.

"We're in public, sir," I told him giggling. He sighed and pulled back, looking a little annoyed. "Wow, I can't believe you wont let me kiss you," he said shaking his head. I giggled and hugged him, snuggling into him.

He hugged back, chuckling. "We better get our tickets, the movie will be starting soon," he reminded me. I nodded my head into his chest, "You're right, we should hurry," I agreed.

We pulled away from the hug and made our way into the theatre to get our tickets and get our seats.

"We should sit in the very back, in the middle!" I suggested. "They're the best seats!" I told him and grabbed his hand leading the way. Hopefully they're not already taken.



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