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"Well, that was a waste of time," I groaned. The movie fucking sucked, it was so predictable and boring, and not one single scare. Hanma laughed and shook his head. "I know right, my plan failed," he shook his head, "it was so predictable that none of us got scared, I should have picked a different horror movie." I laughed and shook my head.

"You're only mad 'cuz I didn't get scared so you couldn't hold me close," I mocked, a smirk on my face, looking up at him. He shrugged and smiled, "guilty," he admitted. I shook my head and chuckled. "So, what else did you have in mind for this date?" I asked him, curious as to what else he planned.

He looked at me and smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He teased. "Yes, I would, as a matter of fact," I retorted, crossing my arms and puffing out my cheeks, him popping them by squishing my face. "Well, the best part is later tonight," he smirked, "so you're gonna have to wait, kitten," he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

My mind immediately going to the gutter, getting lewd images in my head, making my face heat up. "Ha- Hanma!" I stuttered and pushed him away slightly, a blushing mess. He looked confused for a second, before catching on from my face. He shook his head and laughed, "God Y/n! Get your head out of the gutter," he struggled to say through the fit of laughter.

My face heat up so much I could feel it up my ears and down my neck. Now he thinks I'm a pervert! I shouldn't have assumed that, I don't know what took over my mind to make me think that. "S- sorry," I apologized, looking away and holding onto the hem of his hoodie that is currently wrapped around my petite figure.

He made his way closer to me and leaned down to my ear, putting one hand behind my neck, the other around my waist. "Though, if that's what you had in mind, I'm not opposed to the idea," he whispered, his hot breath hitting my neck, making a shiver go down my spin.

I let out a low mew and I could feel my legs shake, I put one of my hands to his chest and grabbed his shirt, holding on, as if it'll help me stand. He noticed my reaction and bit my ear lobe, and let out a low chuckle, pulling away slowly, making me miss his warmth on my skin.

I pouted my lips and looked away, trying to hide my beat red face, failing miserably. "Shut up, pervert," I said and punched his chest. He chuckled again and grabbed my hand. "You're calling me a pervert? You brought it up first," he reminded. I turned my head away from him, and changed the subject.

"What are we doing now?" I asked and turned to look up at him, awaiting his answer. He hummed and then a small smile formed on his face. "I was thinking we could go on a hike, there's this view I think you'll like, it's really pretty," he told me and looked down to meet my E/c eyes. I smiled and nodded my head, "I'd like that," I told him and squeezed his hand a little in approval, him doing it back to my own.

I reached into my pocket to grab a cigarette and put it between my lips, lighting it and inhaling the nicotine into my lungs. I handed one to Hanma and lit it, him humming a thanks. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it's only 2:30, that's not to bad. It feels nice to be away from my toxic parents and get some fresh air and hang out with a friend.

Friend. Huh, it kind of hurt to call him that, for some reason. I took out my cigarette and blew out the smoke, putting it right back to its rightful place between my lips. As we neared closer to the woods, the start of a trail was coming into view. I got more excited and a smile started to grow on my face, giggling a bit.

Hanma looked down at me, with a questioning expression, quickly turning into a smile as well upon seeing my smiling face. He could feel something in his stomach, something he hadn't felt in a while. Butterflies. The feeling was mutual, as I was also feeling them. The way he looked at me with those gorgeous golden eyes, the smirk lazily laying on his face, the way his eyebrows were slightly lifted. The fact that he was taking me on a date and hanging out with me all day, was crazy.

Once we made it to the trail we hiked up a hill and made multiple turns and went down steep slopes and all kinds of crazy, almost like this wasn't really a trail at all. I almost tripped multiple times, but Hanma caught me in time before my ass hit the mossy ground beneath our feet. It was enjoyable though, and we had a lot of laughing fits.

We walked the trail for about 45 minutes, before we reached a clearing in between some trees, a stunning view of the city below us. The sky was a beautiful bright blue, with not a lot of clouds in sight, the sun shining brightly upon our faces. I giggled and walked a little closer to the edge, pulling Hanma to come with me to get a better look at the scene before me. I was awe struck.

"This is beautiful!" I turned to look at him again, catching him staring at me. "Yea," he whispered, still staring at my face. "Like what you see, sweetheart?" I teased, a smirk forming on my lips. "Absolutely," he replied, pulling me in closer, kissing my forehead, then my left cheek, then my right, to my nose and chin, finally landing one on my lips. I giggled into the kiss, kissing him back. The peck only lasted about 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity. It was soft and loving, different from the other kisses we've shared together.

We pulled apart and he laid his forehead against mine, looking into my E/c Irises. "I want to remember this moment for a really long time," he said, a small smile forming on both of our faces. I pulled out my phone after giving him a peck on his nose, pulling up Snapchat, and picking out a cute filter. We turned so our backs would face the scene behind us, taking a few selfie's, some with smiles, some with kisses, and some goofy.

After a while of talking and enjoying ourselves, I pulled Hanma in for a hug. "Thank you, Hanma, for sharing this beautiful sight with me," I smiled at him. "Thank you for agreeing to come with me," he rested his chin on the top of my head, hugging me back.

After what felt like an eternity, I pulled back to check my phone for the time, in doing so, seeing I had 5 missed calls from my dad, 7 from my mom, and 10 unread messages from her as well. I sighed and decided to ignore it, and just pay attention to the time. It was now a little passed 5: 40, the sun proving this as it slowly starts to set, making the sky bright shades of yellows and oranges.

He noticed my slight change of attitude when I checked my phone, seeing I was slightly annoyed. "Everything ok?" He asked. I quickly looked back at him, turning off my phone and smiling. "Of course, what made you ask?" I asked him, looking a bit confused. "You looked a bit annoyed when you checked your phone," he pointed to the device that was held in my hand, my fingers going a little tense at the mention. "It's nothing," I told him, hoping he'd drop it.

"Anyways, we should head back down, it's about an hour walk and the sun is starting to set," I tried to change the subject, turning to walk back from where we came from. He nodded in agreement and walked next to me, grabbing my hand once more.



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