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As we were walking down the tail to get back to civilization, I ended up tripping on a branch that had fallen onto the path; a twisted ankle as the result of the fall. Hanma ended up carrying me piggy back style for the rest of the 30 minute walk, which was kind of embarrassing because of my short skirt riding up; the only fabric between his back and my lower region being my panties and his white T-shirt.

"You know, you didn't have to carry me," I persisted he let me walk on my own, but he sure was stubborn and wouldn't allow it. "No, you're ankle is twisted, I'm not letting you walk on it till we get it wrapped in a brace to prevent it from getting worse." I puffed out my cheeks and slammed my forehead onto his shoulder, giving up.

Once we finally made it back to the entrance of the trail, the sun had almost completely set, making the sky a dark orange and red, with midnight blue following behind it; the city slowly being taken over with lights. Hanma continued to walk, taking us to, where I'm assuming, the apartment complex he lives at. He brought us to a door with the room number '505', and pulled out his keys to let us in. No one was home and all the lights were out, Hanma walking slowly to his couch and set me down, walking away to the light switch.

Once the lights were on, I looked around at my surroundings. His appointment wasn't necessary clean but it wasn't dirty either. An organized mess, is what I would describe it as. He had his shoes in a pile near his front door, there were jackets and hoodies laying around his couch and chairs, he had dishes sitting on his coffee table in the living room, dining room table, and his kitchen counter. He had a few pillows thrown onto the couch, and a few on the floor that had fallen off. Down the hall there was a door that was in my view that was open, a pile of clothes on the floor outside it, and a towel hanging off the top corner of the door. I'm going to assume is his restroom.

I couldn't see what else was down the hall, the wall blocking the rest of my view. "You like it?" He asked, noticing me glancing around his house. I looked at him and smiled. "I like it, it's a lot cleaner then what I thought," I admitted. "I'm not sure if I should be offended that you thought my house would be dirty, or thank you for liking it?" It came out more of an unsure question that wasn't meant to be answered. I laughed and shrugged, him chuckling as well while walking towards me. He knelt down and carefully took off my shoes, being gentle as to not hurt my twisted ankle.

"It's really swollen, let me go grab you an ice pack," he got up and walked to his kitchen and opened his freezer, pulling out a white gel ice pack, going down the hall and opened a door, presumably a closet. He came back and the gel pack was wrapped in a thin wash cloth, so the coldness wouldn't be to much. He came back and helped me lift my left leg onto the couch, laying the pack onto the swollen ankle. "How does it feel?" He asked, looking from my ankle to my face, meeting my eye contact. "It's ok, thank you," I answered him with a small smile.

"Oh! I forgot about the brace, let me go get it and I'll wrap you up in about 30 minutes to let the swelling have a chance to go down a bit, ok?" He got up once more, walking to his bathroom opening up a sink cabinet and grabbing the brace. He walked out and came back, setting it on the coffee table in front of me.

"Are you hungry? I have some food I can make us," he looked at me in my eyes, trying to read me. I smiled at him, seeing him worried about me is making my heart beat a little faster. "Yea, I'd like that very much," I nodded my head. Before he could walk away once more, I grabbed his arm, stopping him. He looked at me confused before I spoke up.

"Can you hand me the remote? I wanna turn on a movie for us to watch, please?" I asked him, my eyebrows raised slightly, my smile never falling from my lips. "Oh, yea of course," he walked over to his tv stand and grabbed the Roku remote, tossing it to me. "Knock yourself out," he said before disappearing into the kitchen.

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