Nineteen: Getting Married

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“How does it feel to know that you're not going to be a single man in a few hours?” Mark asked me as he, Lucas, Taemin, Xiaojun, Winwin, Kun, Yangyang, Hendrey, Taeyong, Johnny, and Yuta sat in the living room waiting for the rest of the crew from NCT to get here.  They sat there snacking on three large pizzas, a bowl of popcorn, and drinking a sprite. They wanted to throw me a bachelor party, but I refused because I thought that it would be disrespectful to Jurnee. Especially when I knew that she wasn't having a bachelorette party.

“I'm loving it because I know that Jurnee is the best thing that has happened to me,” I replied with a massive smile on my face.  

“Man, think about what you're saying for a second. Do you realize what you'll be giving up if you go through with this marriage thing? You won't be able to meet up with all the beautiful women that love throwing themselves at you anymore.” Taeyong says with his right eye raised at me.

“I really won't be missing out on anything because I'll already have the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife,” I replied before getting up off the sofa and walking over to the window. I stared out into the sky, looking at how the stars and moon lit up the sky the same way that Jurnee did to my heart and world. Before meeting her, I thought that going out partying with different women was living life, but now I know that I was fooling myself.

“Dammit, Ten, you could have at least let us have a little fun tonight.” Yuta blurts out.

“We can have fun without half-naked women trying their best to tempt me into doing something that I will regret tomorrow morning,” I replied with my back still to the group.

“What the hell are we going to do for fun tonight that doesn't involve sitting around
here talking to you guys?” I hear Johnny ask.

“And what are we going to eat because I'm hungry?” Yangyang asked.

“There are three boxes of pizza sitting on the table in front of you,” Taemin says.

“Ain't it no pizza in these boxes. Yuta, Lucas, and Hendrey have damn near gobbled them up.” Yangyang replied while lifting the lid of each pizza box.

“First we're going to have a group dinner at Micheal's Lobster & Shrimp Palace. Next, we'll head out to the recently built Seneca Theatre on Broad Street to watch the new Marvel Eternal movie. Last, we're going to Del Rae's Karaoke Bar to do a karaoke challenge.” I was saying when the front doorbell rang. 

“It's about time you guys got here,” Lucas says to the rest of the crew as soon as they walk into the living room.

“You can blame Haechan, Jeno, and Shotaro for us being late. They were taking their precious time getting dressed,” Jaehyun replied.

“Where's Doyoung?” I asked when I didn't see him among the guys.

“He said that he'll meet us at Micheal's,” Jungwoo answered while walking over to where I was still standing by the window.

“Why didn't he come with you guys?” I hear Johnny ask just as Sungchan, Taeil, Renjun, Chenle, Jaemin, and Jisung walk through the front door being all loud. 

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