Five: Time Lies

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Alania POV

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Alania POV...

Whoever said that time heals all wounds lied big time. It's been almost three years and I still haven't gotten over the tragic death of my husband Jonah. I still cry as much as I did when I first found out about his accident, if not more.

Today I sat at his grave crying my eyes out while holding our two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Rya. A daughter he never got the chance to meet. She was born prematurely a month after his death due to me suffering from major depression.

"Hmm, his mom must have come to visit." I thought out loud to myself after seeing a large bouquet of fresh, white roses sitting off to the side of his headstone. The thought of not seeing his mom anymore made my heart ache even more.

Mrs. Shelby Reed and I used to be very close before Jonah died. I'm not sure what caused her to push me away. Her attitude towards me seemed like it changed overnight. She became someone that I didn't recognize anymore.

The once loving mother-in-law was nowhere to be found. She didn't even want anything to do with her granddaughter. No matter how many times I've tried to set up a time and date for her to meet Rya she refused or would always come up with an excuse as to why she can't make it that day.

You would have thought that because Rya was her only connection to her son that she would have jumped at the chance to bond with her granddaughter, but it was the opposite.

I picked up the roses and sniffed while tears streamed down my cheek. A small note fell out of the flowers onto the ground beside me. I picked it up after laying the roses back down and wondered if I should stuff the note back into the flowers or read it. Choosing the latter, I opened the letter and soon realized the flowers weren't from Jonah's mom. They were from a mystery person.

The words Mrs. Alania Reed, "you've been lied to" written in big bold letters, made me look around the gravesite to see if anyone was standing close by watching me. I turned back to the letter after not seeing anyone in sight, but a foreboding feeling still lingered around me.

"I've been lied to by whom and about what?" I ask myself while Rya sat on my lap, twirling her tiny fingers in my shoulder-length curly hair.

I folded the note and put it away to reread it later. I quickly began to pack up Rya and my things when I felt like someone was watching us.

Standing to my feet with Rya propped on my right hip, I began to look all around me. I was searching for anything that seemed out of place. Yet again I saw nothing at all, but that feeling of being watched never went away.

I said my goodbyes to Jonah and walked quickly to my car. A small yellow note was stuck in between my windshield wiper and the window when I made it to the car. I grabbed a note then placed Rya into her car seat. Sitting behind the wheel, I contemplated if I should read the note now or do it later.

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