Good date/bad date

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When you're in the taxi, you look at Harry. "This is long overdue!" You tell him. He starts to laugh. "You're totally right!" When you look outside you see that you're approaching a, from the outside look of it, fancy restaurant. "Your mum set us up to go to a fancy restaurant?" You ask Harry. "I honestly don't know, she wouldn't tell me anything about it..." The taxi drivers pulls up the driveway of the restaurant and let's you and Harry get out. You walk into the restaurant, and everything you thought it would have by the look of it, it has. There's a piano that's being played by an awesome musician and nice clean tables with white cloths on it. The waiter shows you to your table and asks you if he could get you a drink. "I'd like a beer, please." Harry tells the waiter. "Alright, one beer and what can I get the lovely lady?" The waiter says while he blinks at you. "I'll have a sweet white whine, thank you." You say agitated. What the hell is that waiter thinking! Flirting with you while you're on a date! Asshole! When you finally let go of your thoughts you hear Harry snap his fingers. "Hey! Y/N! Are you listening to what I'm saying?" "Sorry, I was a bit distracted." You tell Harry. "Okay, well I was saying that I forgot my phone when we left." "Oh! I have mine if you need to call anyone..." "No, I don't need to call anyone I just want my mum to be able to contact us, just in case something happens." "Haz, I'm sure your mum can handle our little baby girl, no need to worry! She has done a great job with you and your sister, I trust her completely!" You tell him. "Alright then, I guess you're right." Harry says as he kisses you. For a minute your foreheads and noses keep touching, just so you can stare into each other's eyes.

In the mean time.
"DAISY! NO! GRANDMA SAYS NO!" "Why??" Daisy asks Anne. "Because that's not a toy, that's, that's something else!" "Okay..." Daisy says while she has a sad face. "Come here." Anne says while she picks Daisy up. "Did you know you make the same sad face as your dad?" She asks her. "Yes! Mummy tells me a lot!" Daisy answers with a smile. "I miss mummy!" She yells out without a warning and starts to cry. "It's okay honey, mummy and daddy will be back quickly! Don't worry!" "Kaykay!" "Would you like to eat an apple in the mean time? And show mummy and daddy what a big girl you are?" "YES!!!!" "Alright then, come with me." Daisy walks in to the kitchen behind Anne. After Anne cut the apple into pieces she gives one to Daisy. "Thank you, grandma." "You're welcome honey." Daisy runs into the living room while eating the piece of apple she just got. After a couple of minutes Anne walks to the bathroom, when she comes back she feels like it's too quiet for a house with a 2 year old. She checks the living room and sees Daisy lying on the floor, her face all blue.

At the restaurant.
You grab your phone out of your purse. "What is it babe?" Harry asks you. "I don't know... I just, I have a weird feeling, it's like something is wrong with Daisy..." "Do you want to call my mum?" "Yes, please!" You tell Harry. "Alright, call her then, I'm sure everything will be okay." You type in Anne's phone number. Shall I or shall I not? If I call it's like I don't trust her... But if I don't and something is wrong at least I'll know... "Babe!" You hear Harry's voice say. "Yeah?" "Just call her I'm sure she wouldn't mind, she totally understands that we have a hard time letting her go for the first time." "Okay!" You say as you hit dial. When the phone gets answered you hear someone crying. "Anne?" You ask. "Yes Hun?" She replies with a very teared voice. "What's wrong?" As you ask her that question Harry looks at you with a clear shock on his face. "It's Daisy..." Anne says. "I killed her..." With these words your heart stops, nothing around you matters anymore. You hang up the phone out of anger and stand up from your seat. Harry walks after you. "Babe! BABE! What's wrong! Why are you leaving?" As you're finally outside you just collapse with the tears that are streaming down your face. "What is it?" Harry asks for what seems like the thousands time for him. "SHE KILLED DAISY! YOUR MUM KILLED OUR DAUGHTER!" Harry looks at you with a look on his face you've never seen before. He puts his arms around you and sits down next to you on the ground. Tears starting to form in his eyes too now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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