Tired out

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"Do you wanna sleep some more, love?" Anne asks you. "Yes please, that'd be very nice." You tell her because the truth is, you havent really felt that good all night. Which made sure you'd barely slept. "Alright, i'll get you for tea in lets say 2 hours then, okay!" "Yeah sounds perfect." You say and you close your eyes. Somehow you really feel like you're gonna need these 2 extra hours of sleep. You feel a hand on your shoulder, softly waking you up. "Hi honey, its 10am." "Already?" You ask with a sleepy head. "Yeah already." You open your eyes and smile at Anne. "I'll see you downstairs, alright love? I have tea and breakfast." "Sounds lovely. Let me get dressed and then I'll be there." Anne walks back downstairs. You put your legs off of the bed and sit up on the bed for a little while, yawning and stretching. You walk up to the closet, open the door and stand there. What will I wear? Everything I love is too small for me now... And I never even wore the small sizes... You sigh. Then you remember that Harry bought this blouse that was waaaaay to big for him and yourself. You look for it in the closet. Oh there it is! You bend down to grab it. Its very hard to reach thanks to that big bump thats blocking every move you want to make. Just a little further. Almost got it! You can touch it with the tip of your fingers. Its between your middle finger and your ring finger. You pull a little. YES! GOT IT! Now a pair of sweat pants. I need a pair of sweat pants... You go back to your own closet. You look around, your eyes stop at the top shelf. The top shelf, really?! You get on your tiptoes, hold the shelf and try to reach for it. Why cant it ever be easy?! You think to yourself. Normally Harry always grabs your clothes from the closets, thats so much easier. Well tiptoes aint gonna work... You think to yourself. Let's try a chair to reach for it. You grab the chair and place it in front of the closet. You only have to reach once and you have it. I shouldve thought of this sooner... "Honey are you ready?!" You hear Anne call. "Almost! I just have to get dressed." You hear the door open a little bit. "NO ANNE DONT!" You yell.

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