Good or bad?

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Today is the day, your bestfriends had set you up on a date because you'd told them that you had never been on a date before. You had no idea with who or where the date would be, but or a change you kinda liked not knowing. Just so you wouldnt be stressing out on him being too good and not wanting to go when he saw you. Of course you were still scared of that but oh whale... You were still caught up in your thoughts when you heard the doorbell ring. You opened the door and there was your date. You couldnt help but stare at the tall dark figure that was standing in front of your door. "Hi" he says while he putts his hand through his hair, making it all messy, yet even more perfect... You have to shake yourself awake and out of your thoughts before you can finally say hi back. "Are you ready to go or do i have to wait a little?" He asks. "Uhm... I uhm... I have to go putt on my shoes real quick and then im ready" you reply. You put on your shoes and walk back to the most beautiful guy you've ever seen. "Are you ready?" He asks. "Yeah, yeah i am" you tell him. "Alright, then come along gorgeous!" Gorgeous? You think. Noone has ever called me beautiful... Let alone gorgeous... He must have forgot his glasses or something, thats the only explanation for that. "Dont you think?" You hear the boy say. You had been so far up your thoughts you didnt even know what he was talking about, for a quick second you thought of what to do, change the subject thats what i have to do, you thought. "So ehm... We never really introduced ourselves, i believe." You tell him. "Oh yeah thats true... Im Harry, Im 20 years old and Im from Cheshire. What about you?" "Ehm... Im Y/N, Im Y/A and I actually immigrated here. Im actually from Y/C" "Oh thats really cool! Ive never been on a date with anyone from there." Never been on a date with anyone FROM THERE? How many date has this guy been on?! What is he a dating pro or something?! Y/N calm down! You think to yourself. "So ehm... Where are we heading actually?" You ask him. "You'll see! Its a surprise" he looks like he's really smug with himself when he said that. Where the heck did i get myself into... You think.

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