Anne says: DATE TIME!

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You walk into the house. "Oh I made some adjustments to the baby room." Harry tells you. "You did?" "Yeah when i found out it was a baby girl i thought we'd put some pink in her room and i bought the cutest little teddy bear." He smiles so big while saying that. "You're the best Haz!" You tell him because he really is. What guy would've told you to come live with him after he found out you were having his baby, almost none... They'd all point you to the door and convince you that they're not the dad and that you're a slut and you have to get your life straight and not sleep with so many guys. But not Harry. He treated you like you'd known him for years before everything happened. "Babe?" You hear Harry ask. "Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" "What were you saying again?" "I asked you if you wanted to go look at the baby room now or if you were too tired?" "Oh... Yeah lets take a look at it! I'm so curious about what you made of it!" You walk upstairs with Harry. "Tadaaaaa!" He yells in his cute low beautiful voice. "It's beautiful! Just a touch of pink on the walls, not too much. Its amazing!" You tell him. You give him a kiss. "I think you've deserved that for doing all this."

Its been 2 years, Harry and you have had the best time raising your daughter and you've both fallen in love with her. Yet your personal life together has kinda had the under tone... You haven't been on any dates after your daughter was born, Anne had also noticed that, so she decided to come over to surprise the two of you.
You open the front door after the walk you, Harry and your daughter had. "Mummy???" Your daughter asks after she'd walked into the house. "Yes?!" "Is that grandma?" "Grandma?!" You walk in and open the glass door that separates the living room from the hallway. "Anne!" You yell in surprise. "To what do we owe the pleasure of having you here?" "Well... Robin and I noticed that you and Harry hadn't been talking about any dates after the birth of this little cutie here!" She squeezes your daughters cheek. "GRANDMA NO!" She yells. "Sorry honey! Anyway, we decided that you guys should have the chance to go on a date again. So I'm here to take care of the little cutie, so you can go on an all arranged date." She says while smiling. So now I know where Harry got that smile! "That's very nice of you mum but you don't have to!" "No, I insist on you going! Nothing you can say can change my mind!" You see Harry trying to go against his mother. "We'd love to go on that date Anne!" You say before he can say what he wanted to say. "Alright! That's settled then! Go change into something fancy and quick cause your date starts in half an hour." You and Harry walk into your bedroom, Harry closes the door and grabs your hand. "Babe?" "Yeah?" "I don't know about this..." "What do you mean?" "Well we haven't both left our baby girl since she came into our lives... I just don't know if we should." "Haz... We have to let go of her sometime and to be honest I don't think it has been that good for her to always have at least one of us around. Maybe it's time for us to trust someone else with her? And in that case I think your mum is an outstanding choice for that first time!" Harry sighs. "Maybe you're right..." "Well then, let's get changed!" It's been so long since Harry and I have been out on a date that I have to admit I'm really looking forward to this and that I'm kinda really excited. I mean our relationship is great! Don't get me wrong but that spark that was there while I was pregnant it just kinda left when we had the baby. Our relationship has never been our number one priority since that, which is normal but it's also really uncomfortable. Actually thinking about it like this, it's also scaring me to finally go on a date with him again. What if we find out we don't want to be together anymore... What if I say the wrong things... What if... Before you can finish this thought you're cut off by Anne's voice. "Are you two ready?! The taxi is outside!" You walk downstairs, apparently Harry had left the room while you were so far away in your thoughts. When you walk down the stairs you see Harry smiling at the bottom. "You! You look amazing!" You smile shyly. He walks towards the stairs and grabs your hand to help you down the last couple of steps. "Ready to go love birds?" Anne asks. "Mooo-ooommm..." Harry brings out. All you can do is just laugh about it really. Anne is a lovely person but sometimes she uses these weird expressions, like this one. It makes you feel like you're going to a prom and you're about to kiss there for the first time, during the slow dance. "Have fun mummy and daddy!" You kiss your little cutie goodbye and get in the taxi.

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