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But its already too late. The door opens and kicks the chair away from beneath you. You try to land on a good place, but you cant really get your body to land anywhere else than its already heading for. You land belly first on the pole of the bed. "Y/N!!!!!" Anne yells. "Auw." Is all you can manage to say. You turn on your back. This did not feel good at all! "Do you think you're okay!" Anne asks completely in shock. "Yeah im okay. I think it all ended pretty well." "Oh thank god!" A sigh of relieve comes from Anne. She helps you up and helps you get dressed. Then you walk down the stairs together. Anne hands you breakfast and a cup of tea. After breakfast you get another slam of fatigue over you. "Is it okay if I take a little nap on the couch?" You ask Anne. "Why the couch honey?" "Because i really dont want to walk up those stairs again." "Well of course you can take a nap here. Just let me sit down and you can rest your head on my lap. Is that a good idea?" "Thats a perfect plan." You tell her. She sits down and you rest your head on her legs. You close your eyes and it doesnt take long before you have drifted off. You wake up after half an hour. There's a stabbing kind of pain in your tummy and your back. You look up, to see if Anne is there, but she isnt. You're really scared. "ANNNNNEEEEEEEEE!" You yell as loud as you can. Anne comes racing to you from the kitchen. "Honey! Whats wrong?" She asks you. "My stomach! It hurts really bad." You tell her. "Oh my god! We have to get you to a hospital. Do you have a bag packed for when you have to go already?" "Yeah its upstAAAAAAAIIIRS!" You finish your sentence while screaming because you can feel another blast of sharp pains throughout your stomach. "I'll get it, you wait here. And huff the pain away, like they taught you." Anne runs upstairs. Huff the pain away, you keep repeating to yourself. You keep huffing but it barely helps. Oh well all the little help you can have with this immense pain is welcome. Anne comes back down again. You walk to the car together. "How many contractions have you had while I was gone?" Anne asks. "I think I had 2." You tell her. "So they must be around 4 minutes apart... Shit, that means we have to hurry!"

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