Part 7 🌸

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Currently I'm sitting in front of Watson and Liz, sitting in between Kristy and Sam. I honestly thought that Watson was going to have better manners than he actually does. Watching him eating is just a bit...gross. Anyway, I'm slowly eating my apple that I decided to cut up in pieces because it would be slightly easier to eat, while everyone else is eating their Chinese food.

Liz- so good
Watson- mhm
Liz- usually soup dumplings don't travel well, but these are so delicious
Watson- well, I aim to please
Kristy- it's not like you made them
Watson- hmm. I didn't make them
Liz- Kristy's starting a babysitting club. She had her first meeting this afternoon, right?

Kristy nodded and Watson seemed interested.

Watson- for girls to learn about babysitting?
Kristy- no, a business where people hire us to babysit. And it's not just girls, boys can take care of kids too.
Watson- yeah, no no, of course they can. So, ok, what's your business plan? I mean, how does it work?
Kristy- we meet three times a week and people call into meetings to offer us jobs, and it gets scheduled and confirmed right then
Watson- so someone coordinates your schedules?
Kristy- mhm
Watson- how are your rates?
Kristy- competitive
Watson- do you kick up a percentage of earnings like dues?
Kristy- yeah. All of that.
Watson- well, as a business man, and as a dad... I think it's genius. I love that idea. It's great
Liz- aww
Sam- hey Lills, are you sure you're not hungry? You haven't eaten anything but what you have of that apple since lunch at school?
Lilliana- yeah, I'm just not hungry today...
Sam- do you not feel good? I can walk you home
Lilliana- no, no I'm fine, trust me
Sam- ok... you'll tell me if you want to go home though, right?
Lilliana- mhm...
Liz- so guys... the reason that Watson came over for dinner tonight is because we have some news
David Michael- what is it?
Liz- well, we've been seeing each other for a while now, and he asked me to marry him

It fell silent. Charlie, Sam and I looked at each other before Charlie decided to speak up.

Charlie- and what did you say?
Liz- well I said that I wanted to have a family, plus Lilli because she is practically family, conversation first to make sure you all feel ok about it
Kristy- good, because I don't

I looked at Sam and he looked shocked. We then both looked at Charlie and he had a concerned look on his face.

Liz- Kristy
Kristy- I don't feel ok about it, end of discussion, pass the shrimp
Liz- ok, Kristy, we're not asking for your permission, we are trying to have a conversation
Lilli- *whisper to Sam* should I go?
Sam- *whispers back* you're fine
Kristy- then why bother to ask me at all? If you're just going to do whatever you want, why pretend to care?
Liz- ok, well that's not fair at all
Kristy- my whole life, all you've told me is how important it is to be independent, and to stand on your own two feet, but then you expect me to kiss the butt of the first rich guy who walks through the door
Liz- ok, that's enough, I need you to go to your room
Kristy- he might be able to but you mom, but he can't buy us
Lilliana- Kristy, let's just go cool off in your room-
Kristy- leave me alone you anorexic freak!

Kristy got up and ran up into her room and slammed the door. Sam dropped his chop sticks and looked at me. I looked down at my hands under the table to avoid the stares of the other people at the table.

Sam- Lilli...
Lilliana- I-I should go...
Charlie- wait-
Lilliana- no. I have to go ok?
*mumble* it was nice meeting you Watson, congratulations

I walked to the front door and left the house.

Sam's POV

As soon as Lilli left I looked at Charlie.

Sam- oh my god...
Charlie- s-she never told me she was anorexic
Sam- *whispers* she didn't tell me either
Liz- Kristy Thomas!

My mom got up and stormed into Kristy's room. I teared up a bit and let a couple tears fall from my eyes.

Sam- d-do you think she told Olivia?
Charlie- if she did I'm pretty sure Olivia would have told me
Sam- I'm going to try and call her...

I picked up my phone and walked into the living room to call Lilli. I called her and it went straight to voicemail. I left her a message and I hope she listens to it, I also texted her.

The voicemail...

Hi Lilli... I'm really sorry about what happened.. I'm calling just to see if you are ok.. please answer me... I love you bubs, bye...

The text..

Sammy🥺- hi bub, are you ok?
Sammy🥺- Please answer me
Sammy🥺- Lilli?
Sammy🥺- I'll call you in the morning, I love you...
Read at 7:38 pm...

I walked back into the dining room.

Watson- any luck?
Sam- I called her, went straight to voicemail. I left her a message and texted her, and I know she read the texts
Charlie- what did you tell her?
Sam- I asked if she was ok, and then I told her I'd call her in the morning and then I told her I loved her and that's it
Charlie- I'm going to call Olivia, I'll have her call Lilli and see if she picks up for her
Sam- okay...

Olivia- hello?
Charlie- Liv, I need your help
Olivia- what's up?
Charlie- long story short, Kristy got really mad today and Lilli tried to help but Kristy yelled at her and called her an 'anorexic freak'
Olivia- w-wait... She's anorexic?
Charlie- yeah.. so here's the thing, she won't answer our phone calls or our texts, so we were wondering if you could call her
Olivia- I'll let you know if she answers
Charlie- thank you, baby
Olivia- of course, she's my friend too, I love you bye
Charlie- I love you too, bye

I took a deep breath and paced around the room. All of these thoughts kept running through my head.
Is she ok?!
Why didn't she tell me?
How long has she known?
What caused this?

My thoughts got interrupted by a call on Charlie's phone. He said that it was Olivia. He picked it up and answered the call

Charlie- hello?
Olivia- nothing... she didn't answer
Charlie- damn it
Olivia- we might have to wait until school tomorrow to talk to her...
Sam- that's too long, she might not even go to school tomorrow!
Charlie- bro, it's ok, she's fine, she read your text, if she wasn't ok I think she'd tell us. We're her best friends she can't avoid us for that long

Can she?

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