Part 16🌸

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Same day (you changed clothes after you got back home from the meeting)

Lilliana- *sigh* I feel like mom doesn't care about me. Stacey's her favorite child and it's very obvious. She doesn't even try to hide it
Dad- what makes you think that?
Lilliana- I haven't had a conversation with her in over two weeks without it being about Stacey. She called me while I was at band practice just to tell me that she had to make Stacey a doctors appointment.
Dad- have you tried talking to her?
Lilliana- I want to... but either she's never home or she's doing something with Stace...
Dad- what happened upstairs?
Lilliana- after you left I asked if what the outfit Stacey was wearing was cute. She said something about her pump being blue and Stacey said that her and I weren't ashamed of our sicknesses anymore... and we aren't. She then said that she didn't want mom to be either. I finally felt included in something until mom walked up to Stacey and put her hands on her shoulders. She told her that she wanted to protect Stacey from ever getting hurt again, and that she wasn't ashamed of her. She didn't even look at me once... she hugged Stacey and I left. They didn't even notice...

Another tear fell down my cheek. I looked at my hands that were resting on the counter. My dad nodded.

Dad- your mom does do a lot with Stacey...
Lilliana- yeah. And I went almost a week without even seeing her because she went shopping almost everyday with Stacey. Don't get me wrong, dad. You're great and I love you, but I just want my mom to pay attention to me... not act like I'm invisible all the time...
Dad- I understand...
Lilliana- I just feel left out. Remember the one day before I went to dinner at Sam's house, and how I blushed when Sam kissed my cheek and mom got all excited?
Dad- yeah
Lilliana- that's the last conversation I've had with her that wasn't about Stacey. And she only said one thing, it wasn't even just the two of us, all four of us were there. She doesn't make any effort with me...
Dad- I'll talk to your mom ok?
Lilliana- mhm... but I don't want her to pretend that she actually cares about me, I want to know if she does or if she doesn't
Dad- ok, kiddo... for now... wanna help me bake a cake?
Lilliana- *chuckle* ok

We got all the stuff out and started to make a cake. We put the flour in the bowl and mixed it with the eggs, butter and olive oil. We made sure to preheat the oven, and once we were done mixing all the ingredients, we put it in the oven. Once the cake was done baking my dad took it out, and we let it cool off before icing it. When we started icing the cake, my dad took his finger and dipped it into the frosting and wiped it on my nose.

Lilliana- hey! You're lucky it tastes good

I wiped it off with my hand and ate it. We both laughed and continued icing the cake. Then we heard a knock at the door. I looked at my dad and he shrugged. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Sam standing there with a bouquet of Lilies. I smiled at him

Lilliana- hi. What are you doing here?
Sam- well, I know things have been a little tough for you lately, so I wanted to come check on you
Lilliana- oh, ok. Come in

I opened the door more and let him in. I grabbed his hand and led him to my room. On our way there I saw Stacey and my mom looking through Stacey's clothes. I sighed and walked to my room. I closed the door behind us.

Sam- these are for you by the way...
Lilliana- Lilies...
Sam- they remind me of you. Delicate and pretty... and the name obviously

I laughed a bit and put them in a vase that I had from New York. I then sat them on my desk and then I sat down next to Sam on my bed, facing him. He looked at me for a minute before putting a hand on my cheek and wiping the tears.

Sam- why are there tears on your cheeks?...
Lilliana- I was just talking to my dad earlier...
Sam- about what?
Lilliana- my mom...
Sam- oh...
Lilliana- yeah... Stacey told my mom earlier that she didn't want her to be ashamed of our sicknesses anymore because we weren't. I kinda actually felt included in something. But then my mom walked up to Stacey and said she just wanted to protect her and that she'd never be ashamed of her. She didn't even acknowledge me... I just left and went downstairs
Sam- wow...
Lilliana- mhm... I'm tired of it. I feel invisible around my mom... my dad is really the only one who talks to me
Sam- did you tell him?
Lilliana- yeah... he said he'd talk to her
Sam- well then I guess we just have to wait it out?
Lilliana- yeah... I told him I want to know if she actually cares about me or not. I don't want her to pretend
Sam- I understand
Lilliana- this is why I love talking to you
Sam- why?
Lilliana- cause you're so understanding. I can literally vent to you about my family problems and you'll actually listen
Sam- of course I would... you're my best friend Lilli... I love you, ok?
Lilliana- I love you too

He opened his arms for a hug, and I crawled onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. His arms were around my waist and he lightly rubbed my back with his hand. He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on my head.

Sam's POV

Lilliana- all this crying made me tired...
Sam- then go to sleep
Lilliana- now?
Sam- yeah, go ahead

She lightly laughed and then fell silent. A few minutes later I could tell she fell asleep so I pulled out of the hug and gently laid her down on her bed. I put a blanket over her and kissed her forehead.

Sam- goodnight Lilli...

I smiled at her and turned the lights off. I closed the door and walked downstairs. I saw her dad in the kitchen.

Lilli's Dad- hey Sam. Where's Lilli?
Sam- oh, we were talking and she hugged me and fell asleep. I just laid her down in her bed and let her sleep
Lilli's Dad- oh ok
Sam- uh, I actually have a question...
Lilli's Dad- go ahead
Sam- so... Lilli's great... and I love her... but I wanted to know if I was able to ask her out on a date...
Lilli's Dad- if you are really committed to this relationship... you have my permission, son
Sam- really?
Lilli's Dad- yeah... just take care of her
Sam- yeah, yeah of course
Lilli's mom- oh, hi Sam
Sam- oh, hi
Lilli's mom- where's Lilli?
Sam- she's uhh sleeping
Lilli's dad- I'm assuming Lilli told you about...
Sam- yeah...
Lilli's mom- about what?
Lilli's dad- I'll talk to you about it later
Sam- well, I better get going, it was nice seeing the both of you
Lilli's dad- bye, son
Lilli's mom- bye, sweetheart

I walked out the front door. I started walking home while thinking.

Well that was awkward...

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