Part 11 🌸

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Same day

Kristy- oh! Lilli I have to talk to you
Lilliana- ok, what's up?
Kristy- I wanted to know if you wanted to join the BSC. We have a small issue with some people called the BSA and they're all older kids. We need some help from kids who are at least in high school, and who can stay out later... will you help?
Lilliana- as long as it doesn't conflict with band practice then yeah
Kristy- oh my god, thank you!
Lilliana- no problem. Text me the info
Kristy- will do!

She left with Mary Anne, Elizabeth and Watson. Charlie and Olivia stayed and talked with us a bit.

Olivia- Lilli what happened? You have a scratch on your arm
Lilliana- I do?
Charlie- yeah
Lilliana- eh, I fell off a skateboard after almost crashing into a tree. But I'm fine
Oliver- she was laughing
Emmett- the only concerned one was Sam
Sam- well sorry I care
Lilliana- I appreciate it
Sam- well at least someone does
Emmett- then Oliver pushed them over when Sam helped her up and she fell on top of him
Oliver- yeah, and they were staring at each other for at least 3 minutes straight
Lilliana- yeah, and I attacked you and made you carry me back. It was worth it

They both laughed. They talked with the boys for a bit while I looked through our song book. I found a song that we didn't have finished, so I decided to grab Sam's guitar and the pick and try to make something. As I started getting something I mumbled the lyrics.

I'm so insecure, I think
That I'll die before I drink
And I'm so caught up in the news
Of who likes me and who hates you
And I'm so tired that I might
Quit my job, start a new life
And they'd all be so disappointed
'Cause who am I, if not exploited?
And I'm so sick of 17
Where's my fucking teenage dream?
If someone tells me one more time
"Enjoy your youth, " I'm gonna cry
And I don't stick up for myself
I'm anxious and nothing can help
And I wish I'd done this before
And I wish people liked me more
All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)
They say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it's brutal out here

I stopped playing and sat the guitar down.

Sam- you're left handed?
Emmett- she just finished a song and you're asking if she's left handed?
Lilliana- yes, I'm left handed. We go to school together and we see each other every day and you didn't notice I was left handed
Sam- no...
Oliver- she does almost everything with her left hand
Sam- ok! I get it now, she's left handed and I should've known

We all laugh and just talk for a few more minutes. Then I had to get going back home because Stacey was there by herself while my mom and dad went shopping for whatever reason. I waved goodbye and walked back home.

I got there and saw Stacey putting away some clothes in her room.

Lilliana- need some help?
Stacey- no I got it. How'd practice go?
Lilliana- good, we had a crowd today
Stacey- crowd meaning Elizabeth, Charlie and Olivia?
Lilliana- and Watson, Kristy and Mary Anne
Stacey- nice. Did Kristy ask you about the club?
Lilliana- yup. I'm in
Stacey- cool, we needed someone older and the girls already knew you so it just worked out
Lilliana- I don't know Claudia though
Stacey- she's pretty cool. Practically the complete opposite of Kristy
Lilliana- *laugh* well that's good. Kristy can be nice but bossy
Stacey- I learned that quickly

We both laughed and I went to my room. I watched a few movies because I was bored. Then I heard the front door open, meaning my mom was back. I went downstairs and said hi, and grabbed an apple. I brought it up to my room and continued watching my movie.

A few movies later, I decided to get some weekend homework done so I didn't have to do any tomorrow, and then after that I got ready for bed because it was getting late. While I was taking a shower I realized I had this horrible stomach ace, but I just shrugged it off. As I was brushing my hair after i showered and got dressed, my dad came in my room.

Lilliana- hey dad
Dad- hi sweetheart
Lilliana- what's up?
Dad- I wanted to talk to you for a minute

I nodded as if to let him know that I was listening. He came over and took the brush out of my hand and started gently brushing it for me. I smiled and listened to what he had to say.

Dad- sooo... your mom really likes Sam
Lilliana- mhm
Dad- I wanted to ask if you liked him... in like a more than friends way?
Lilliana- I mean... I don't know... maybe... I haven't really thought about it I guess...
Dad- you know I said the same thing to my mom when she asked me about your mom
Lilliana- really?
Dad- yup. And look at us now. We have two beautiful daughters that we are very proud of and love with all our hearts
Lilliana- *sarcastic* very inspirational, dad
Dad- *laugh* well, if you do end up liking him... and he feels the same way, and you want to become more than friends... I approve
Lilliana- really?
Dad- yeah... you're getting older, it's bound to happen whether I approve of him or not. But no matter what I will always love you and be there for you, ok?
Lilliana- ok dad. I love you too

He finished brushing my hair, and then he kissed my forehead. I gave him a hug and he left my room to help my mom with groceries.

I went back into my room and sat at my desk. I was a bit bored so I decided to write some song lyrics. I wrote a couple verses of a new song called Still into You.

As I was writing the chorus, I got a call on my phone. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sam. I smiled to myself and answered it.

Lilliana- hey
Sam- hi, what are you doing?
Lilliana- writing, I got bored. What about you?
Sam- well, I was talking to Oliver and Emmett, and we were considering talking to a producer and getting a manager for our band
Lilliana- nice!
Sam- so... we wanted to ask if you wanted to?
Lilliana- if you want to, I do
Sam- ok then. Maybe tomorrow we can meet up at my house and look for a few, and maybe Watson can help
Lilliana- I'll be there!
Sam- good!

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I sighed and looked back at what I was doing. My stomach still hurts and now my head does too.

Sam- what's the matter?
Lilliana- nothing...
Sam- hey, you can talk to me, you know that right?
Lilliana- yeah...
Sam- then what's the matter?
Lilliana- *sigh* I was in my bathroom earlier and I realized I had this brutal stomach ace, and now it's only gotten worse and my head is killing me
Sam- do you want me to come over?
Lilliana- no, no you don't have to, I don't want you here if I'm sick
Sam- did you eat something?
Lilliana- yeah, I had an apple a couple hours ago
Sam- do you think that upset your stomach
Lilliana- I always eat apples though. And I had only two today in total
Sam- I don't know...
Liz- Sam can you come here?
Sam- sorry I gotta go, feel better ok?
Lilliana- ok, love you
Sam- love you too

Am I sick?

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