Part 26 🌸

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I woke up this morning and showered. I got dressed and did my hair. Once I was done with that I grabbed my bag which had my laptop, sketch book, a notepad and a charger for my laptop just in case. I also brought some sample bouquets that I had for when I had my business back in New York. By the way, they aren't real flowers, obviously, because we don't want them to die before the wedding. I did sell real flower bouquets but not for weddings, they were for just house decorations or for gifts.

Anyway, I went downstairs and decided to just make toast. It was something small and simple and easy to make. I got the bread and put it in the toaster. Once it was done, I took it out and put some butter on it because who doesn't put butter on toast? I sat down at the counter and ate my toast while making sure I had all my stuff for Liz and Watson.

While I was checking my sketch book to make sure everything was there, my mom came in the kitchen. She looked at me and saw what I was wearing. I swear she better not tell me to change-

Mom- you look cute
Lilliana- thanks...

She sighed and walked up to me and grabbed my hands.

Mom- look... your dad talked to me... and I'm really sorry
Lilliana- I just don't understand why you haven't payed attention to me in so long. You're supposed to be my mom and it's been weeks since I've had a conversation with you, and months since I've had one that wasn't about Stacey.
Mom- I know... the truth is you're growing up... you were my first kid and the feeling of letting you go when you leave off to college, and then your gonna get married... it's going to be so hard on me... I realize that I should be spending my last few years with you and having fun! You only have about 3 years and then you're gone...
Lilliana- mom it's not like I'm leaving forever. Sure I'll be off to college wherever I decide to go and I most likely will get married but college is in 3 years and I'm not getting married until I'm at least 20
Mom- you're right... I should have been a better mom and I should have talked to you and did stuff with you... I just don't want to lose my baby...
Lilliana- mom, you're not gonna lose me... you will never be able to get rid of me

We both laugh a bit. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. From the doorway I see my dad smiling. I smile back at him and pull out of the hug with my mom. She kisses my forehead and then looks at me.

Mom- so... tell me more about Sam
Lilliana- *laugh* mom!
Mom- *chuckle* what? I wanna know more about my future son in law
Lilliana- you'd get along really well with Liz
Mom- great minds think alike
Lilliana- or crazy moms think alike
Mom- hey!

She playfully smacks my head. I laugh and she does too.

Dad- I wanna know more about him too
Mom- seeeeeeee
Lilliana- *groan* fine. I'm in a band with him, he plays guitar, he has two brothers and one sister who is also in the babysitters club, she's Kristy, his mom is getting remarried she's the one I'm helping with flowers and stuff, umm he's really sweet and he seems to care about everyone before he cares about himself, which I think is cute but I want him to pay attention to himself rather than me and my problems.
Mom- do you have any pet names for each other?
Lilliana- I sometimes call him bubs, he does the same but he called me a princess a couple times. And he said I look hot with a baby
Mom- awwwww
Dad- he seems good for you

I smile and then my phone beeps. I look at it and it's Sam.

Lilliana- speak of the devil
Mom- what did he say?

I show her the text.

Sammy🥺- hi princess, im sry if I woke you up, but I wanted to check in on you

Mom- he's sooo cute, oh my god

I roll my eyes at her and text Sam back.

Lilli bear🧸- hey bubs, you didn't wake me up but I'm doing good, hbu?
Sammy🥺- I'm doing ok, I miss you 😖
Lilli bear🧸- you saw me yesterday 😂
Sammy🥺- that's toooo loooong
Lilli bear🧸- I'll see you in less than an hour
Sammy🥺- yay!
Lilli bear🧸- weirdo
Sammy🥺- your weirdo
Lilli bear🧸- my mom and Stacey are squealing
Sammy🥺- really?
Lilli bear🧸- yup.
Sammy🥺- oof. I'll let you deal with that. I love you
Lilli bear🧸- and now they're practically screaming. I feel bad for our neighbors
Sammy🥺- bahaha oops
Lilli bear🧸- lol. I love you too

I smile at my phone and then my mom and Stacey attack me.

Stacey- omg omg omg, how are you not dating?!
Mom- seriously!
Lilliana- he asked me out on a date, and I'm his date to the wedding, it's not nothing
Stacey- and you didn't tell me?!
Lilliana- no because of what you're doing right now

She's jumping up and down squealing her head off.
When I said that she stopped and looked at me.

Stacey- ok, I'm done.
Lilliana- mhm
Stacey- you're lucky I didn't do that yesterday
Mom- why?
Stacey- Sam kissed Lilli!
Mom- what?!
Lilliana- it's not the first time he's kissed me
Mom- are you kidding me?! Stacey why didn't you tell me?!
Stacey- oops

I laugh at them and then I look at the time. It's around 8:30 and I told Liz I'd be there at 9:15. I figured I had a few minutes to kill so I got out my sketch book and just drew a couple flowers.

By the time they were done it was about 9:00 so I grabbed my bag and said by to the others. I walked out the door and started my walk to the Thomas house

This is gonna be fun!

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