Part 34🌸

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I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. We pulled away after a few minutes and Sam looked at me.

Sam- you put flowers in your hair...
Lilliana- mhm
Sam- they're almost as pretty as you
Lilliana- stop

I blushed and hid my face in my hands. He chuckled and took my hands away from my face. He smiled at me and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

Lilliana- well, now I need you boys to get your suits on, and Karen I need you to get your dress on so I can help get you guys ready
Sam- on it

Sam grabs David Michael's hand and Charlie grabs Andrew's. Watson was already done getting ready, so he helped Karen get her dress on. They all went to a bathroom and got dressed. David Michael and Andrew came out first, so I sat them both down in a chair and I got out the hair gel I brought. I put some in Andrew's hair and made it look nice and neat. David Michael's hair was already done so we didn't really have to do anything to it. Then I got out the boutonnières.

Lilliana- alright, I'm gonna put this on you guys but you have to stay still cause I don't wanna poke you with the pin, ok?
Andrew- ok

David Michael nods. I put the boutonnières on the two little ones and then I looked at them. I smiled and patted their legs.

Lilliana- all done. You both look very cute

Andrew smiles and David Michael laughs. Then Charlie and Sam walks in and I look at Sam and smile. He smiles back.

Lilliana- alright, you boys switch

David Michael and Andrew hop off the chairs and Sam and Charlie sit down. I did the same thing I did to them that I did with Andrew. I got the hair gel and put it in their hair.

Charlie- why is it so cold?
Lilliana- oh please. Andrew didn't complain but the oldest kid is

Sam chuckled and Charlie shut up. I finished Charlie's hair and then did Sam's. Once I finished I washed my hands to get the gel off of it, and then I took the boutonnières.

Lilliana- I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told David Michael and Andrew, I'm gonna put this on you but do not move. The pin will poke you and it hurts

They both nod and I do Charlie's first. Then I take Sam's and it on his jacket. Then I straighten out his jacket and look up at him. He was already looking at me and he smiled. I smiled back and he got up. Charlie did as well and they looked in the mirror. I went behind them and put an arm on both of their shoulders and brightly smiled.

Lilliana- all ready
Sam- thanks Lills
Lilliana- no problem

He chuckled to himself. I moved away from the boys and I went over to Karen.

Lilliana- alright, you ready?
Karen- yep
Lilliana- good!

I first did Karen's hair, and put the flower crown on her head. And then I put a little bit of blush and lip gloss on her. After I was done I got her basket and handed it to her.

Lilliana- now you look like the princess that you are
Karen- thanks Lilli
Lilliana- no problem, honey

She went out of the room and went, wherever she went. Sam walked up to me and spun me around.

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