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                             name's Thomas. I'm a 19 year old guy who likes adventure. Wait, let me rephrase that. I am crazy about adventure and stuffs like that.  My best friends are; Joel, Jamie and Roderick. They're my college friends.

     The mid-term holidays have started. The four of us have the craziest plan ever; a trip to Mexico. Well, its not that crazy, but for us, it is! So we packed our clothes and other essentialities needed for one week. The next day, we met up in Starbucks at 5.00 pm.

     "You guys ready for some adventure?", Joel said, with a loud, abnoxious and annoying voice. We all agreed and hurriedly entered Joel's brand new car, the Toyota Prius. He started the car engine and drove off. A few seconds later, the breathtaking view of NewYork city was gone out of sight.

"Hey, remembered when we used to bully Kiara?", Joel started. Everyone laughed except me. "Yeah! I remembered plunging her head into the small fountain infront of the school, and infront of everybody!", Roderick added. "Did you guys watched that video of Kiara being thrown into the large pool of mud in Mr.Frank's piggery? That was so damn priceless!" Jamie interrupted. "Who took that video anyway?", I asked, with a flat voice. "Duhh, me of course", she replied. "But the worst and most awesome crap done to her is stripping her naked infront of the class! Man, Rachel really has the guts!", Joel said, and they continued to laugh. Yups. Rachel really hates Kiara for no reason and always bullied her in a really, I mean really embarassimg way.

I wonder why did they treat Kiara like that? Well, she was my best friend after all..and I sort of liked her...

Every year they bullied her harshly until one day she did not come to school, amd continued to be absent for more than two months. The school called her parents, and the case became more worse when they told the school that..., Kiara was missing. I stared at the window, dwelling into my thoughts.

Suddenly a snap of a finger made me jumped. "Come on Thoms, why are you so quiet?", Roderick said with a smile. "Fine , let's chat then!", I said jokingly, with a fake smile.

     We chatted with each other along the way. "I'm getting tired of these long boring roads...why don't we take a shortcut?. What do you think, adventurer?", Joel dissed, staring at me with his annoying look. "Shut up and keep your eyes on the road, dork. You're getting us killed", I replied sarcastically. "I don't think we should take whatever 'shortcut' you're talking about", said Roderick. I like him, I mean, as a best friend. He's really supportive and likes to make friends even with a bespectacled nerd like me. But I wonder why he was so mean towards Kiara. Okay, back to the story.

     My digital watch showed 8.30 pm. "That's it! I'm taking a shortcut!", Joel suddenly screamed, and stirred the car to the left. "Joel, wait! It's-", My voice was replaced by loud sounds of twigs breaking under the car tyres. "What the heck is wrong with you?", Jamie yelled, and it almost made my eardrums explode. Joel laughed at us and said, "You guys are pussies, what's wrong? Scared of a litte forest?". After a while, all of us settled down and relax... The journey was unusually long. Suddenly, the car's GPS went wild. It glitches and showed a question mark before the screen blacked out and cracked.

     "Oh no, guys, this is really BAD. We're lost!" Jamie cried. "Relax Jamie, look over there, that's a pretty awesome huge mansion!", Joel said, while pointing at a huge mansion with a massive verandah. "This looks unwelcoming", I said, but nobody cares. Joel stopped the car and the four of us walked out. "I don't think we should do this", I said, backing off. And again, nobody listened at all. It was getting dark. I took out my phone  and switched on it's natural flashlight while the others used their torchlights. "Can we just continue our journey?", I said, with a serious voice and a serious look on my face. " We need a place to stay for the night. What do you say we spend the night here?", Joel suggested. I felt extremely exhausted, so I gave in. The squeaking of the main door sent chills doen my spine. The place looks like it has been abandoned for years.

     Suddenly I felt really uneasy. It's like there's something watching us from the top floor.

     Something evil and unwelcoming.

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