Chapter 3

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"The b-basement?", I asked, chocked on the 'basement' word. Crap. "How could you be so sure this place has a basement?", I continued.

"Duhh. Everyone knows that every huge mansions, manors or a double storey bungalow has one".

     "Fine", I said, while looking around for any danger signs. Damn it! If it's one thing I hate about huge houses are basements or cellars. Only the Lord knows what we might stumbled in to in that dark, creepy place.

     We reached the basement entrance which was located at the far end of the long corridor. As Roderick opened the door, a gust of cold and dusty air blew out, and it made me shiver as chill ran down my spine. Then we smell something horrible. A sharp metal smell combined with a dead rotten matter stench filled the air. The smell stung my nose and I gagged and forced myself to fight against the feeling of throwing up. I saw Roderick was  doing the same too.

"Is it really necessary for us to go down here? I mean, Jamie could be anywhere...".

"Come on, Thoms. You're not a coward, are you?".

     "Fine, let's just get in there and make it quick", I replied, nervously. Roderick lead the way, so I was following him from behind. The creak of the wooden staircase made me shiver every time. The dark and creepy ambience reminded me of the Paranormal Activity movie we watched last week. As we were about to step on the basement floor, a sound of glass shattered made both of us jump.

"Who's there? Jamie?", Roderick yelled, while swinging his flashlight from left to right furiously. Then we watched in horror as an old dusty chair flew towards us but we dodged it.


"What the heck was that?",  I said, with a trembling voice. "Dude, relax. That's probably Jamie", Roderick replied, trying to hide his fear. "Jamie? Why would Jamie threw a goddamn chair at us and almost hit us? I would probably lose my right eye if I did not dodge it!", I yelled. "Hey shush, dont make so much noise, will you?", Roderick said. We tiptoed our way across old cupboards and worn out manequins as well. Manequins? What are they even doing here? I asked myself. Then we heard another sound of shattered glass, but this time, it was followed with a high pitched bloodcurdling shriek.

We advanced our steps and increased our pace to a doorway at the end of the room. We leaned against he wall and Roderick gestured his hand as 'silent'.
I nodded and we waited. The shriek continued and gets louder every second. I covered my ears, but because I was so close to the source of the sound, I could still hear it. Then Roderick made a stupid action.

He poked his head at the doorway to see who shrieked, and he froze. I gestured my hands to get his attention, but he would'nt put his attention away to what he saw. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Oh no.

"Jamie! Hang on baby! I'm coming!", he screamed, jumped and ran towards her. I jumped and ran to Roderick as well. "Wait! Roderick! That's....", my voice trailed off as I saw Jamie. It was disgusting.

     Her skin was peeled off, and some of them still hangs around her face and thighs. Her fingernails was removed, and I could see her flesh dangling on her fingertips. She had no eyes, and het hair was gone. Her stomach was ripped apart and her intestines hung around her waist. I could see blood everywhere.

Oh God. I gagged, fell on my knees and vomitted all over the place. My throat hurts because I vomitted a lot.


"Roderick?", I called, but my voice was started to disappear. I looked back and saw him standing there, motionless. "Jamie, you're okay", he said, calmly. What the hell? Jamie is in that horrible condition and he said she was okay? "Roderick what the hell is wrong with you?", I yelled, and grabbed his collar. I was about to slap him when immediately looked at me with red pupils, burning with rage.

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense. The lights in the basement flickered on and off vigorously, and the floor shook so hard that I tumbled down.

Then I felt a strong force pushed me away from him. I flew across the room and landed on a stack of old potraits with a loud thud. I quickly stood up and faced him. "Hahaha! You're next!", Roderick said, but his voice was different. He has three voices which spoke all at once, and it made me terrified. "Roderick? Hey! I know you're in there!", I yelled, but he keeps laughing. I jumped and punched him in he face, hoping he would snap out. But he did'nt.

     He grabbed my throat and slammed me on the floor. I struggled to get up and backed off. "R-Roderick?", I chocked. By that time, I knew that my best friend Roderick, was no longer Roderick anymore.

Oh no.


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