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As soon as the maid walked out of your room after arranging your bed and bringing a cup of milk that she placed on the night stand.

Jeon Jungkook sneak into your room while you're taking a shower as he put a sleeping pill on your milk that he does every night.

Hearing the door knob click, he quickly run into the curtain while watching you walking toward the bed while drying your hair using the towel on your hand.

You sat on the other side of the bed as you grabbed the cup of milk and drink it, laying down on the bed as you close your eyes then within a minute you fall on a deep sleep meaning it's time for him to do what he always do every single night.

Coming out between the closed curtains with a huge smirk oh his lips. Locking the door as he started removing his clothes leaving himself totally nvked then lay beside you while smelling the natural scent of your body while cuddling you naked.

After some few minutes he started sucking your neck for so long and only sucking the same spot and since he left his mark on the left side of your neck yesterday right now he's sucking the right side where he decided to leave his marks on.

"Hmm, jungkook~" hearing you moaning his name in your sleep made him shocked but he immediately smirk knowing you're having the same thoughts just like him.

"Dreaming about me huh princess" he said while kissing your forehead and smiled creepily while staring at you sleeping figure.

Mumbling a song while holding his partner in crime in his hand meaning he's holding his sharp knìfe while walking in the dark allay following a man who's walking in front of him.

Every step he takes the man in front of him is getting startled while shaking in fear by just hearing him mumbling a creepy song while his shoe made such a loud sound echoing the empty alley, scaring the man Infront of him.

The man in the front stopped walking while the man who's holding a knife continue taking steps closer to his victim.

But The man with the knìfe walked past at the man who he's been following for 10 minutes straight making the man chuckles think that it's just in his mind that the man behind himself earlier is not actually follow him till-."

The guy started walking again while  man who's holding a knîfe stop taking steps and pretended to tie his shoelace while the other man continuesly walking and whistling a song in the middle of the dark alley.

The whistling sound stop when the man who pretended that he's tidying his shoes stood up and smirk, he run to the guy Infront of him and stûb him and leave him lifeless all alone.

However before he completely left the
guy's dead body he wrote some reminder on the dead body just like what he always does in every person he killed.

"She's mine, she belongs to me and no one else" the words he always wrote in every dead body that he kills.

He killed them with some reason and the always reason behind this is Yn, it's always been Cha Yn the woman he's obsessed with, but destiny hates him because the woman that he loves is his own step sister and his love for her is called "forbidden love" he's forbidden to love her in the way that lovers do.

But in his psycho brain he's doing the right thing. He's doing the right thing to love her like how lover love their partner because in his mind he's just following him heart and his heart and he believes that if you truly love someone then follow your heart and that's what he's been doing, following his heart.

He didn't notice the he just crossed the limits or maybe already he knew but he just don't give a fuck about it.

You're here in the loud crowded place also known as club having fun? No. You're not having fun at all, Literally not having fun.

"I hate her, fuvk I wanted to hate her!!" Whispering to yourself while looking at the same direction where a woman is flirting with someone you knew.

You hate the fact that her arms is around his neck, You hate the fact that his hands is on her waist, you hate the fact that he's letting her sit on his lap you mostly hate the fact that her butt can probably feeling him dick getting harder. You just literally hate the scene in front of you.

You hate that freaking scene in front of you. You hate the fact that he's with a whore clinging around him and flirting with him while you can't even do the same to him.

Of course!! of course you can't do the same thing because you're not his type, definitely not you and the most difficult thing is that you want him all for yourself but you can't have him because he's your stepbrother.

Not only his love that you want to own also his lust, you want him to warm your body, you want to feel him inside you, you want his member inside your mouth but you can't, you can't it because he doesn't want to, it  will never going to happened not because he's your step brother but it can't because you want him to be safe from your Psychopath stalker.

You want to keep him safe, you want him to be safe but little did you know is that it's actually him, your step brother and that person you're scared to hurt him is just the same person.

You're right you're not dumb but he's just good at playing hide and seek, he will hide while you're trying to find him.

Who would think that the same person you want own is the same person who wants to own you on the very first place, he wants you, you want him but the problem is "Your love for each other is forbidden" you might be not blood related but your mother married his father and that explains everything why you guys can't be together.

Done!! You're so freaking done with this scene in front of you, you can't take it anymore it's hurting you and annoying you at the same time even though it shouldn't be bothering you at all.

You walked out of the club and went home while on the other side Jungkook push the woman from his lap that he used to make you jealous. Yes he just used the woman to make you jealous so as soon as he saw you leaving he immediately pushed the woman on the ground leaving her groaning in pain while the man followed you from behind.

My COLD and PSYCHOPATH Stepbrother | J.JK Where stories live. Discover now