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What is right thing to do when you just found out that the man that you love is actually the man who made you feel disgusted about yourself.

The answer is.

You don't know. You don't know what to do, you don't know what to think, your brain is still on processing.

Or maybe you just couldn't accept that he's that kind of person. You're blind, everything around you is a total mess and you didn't even notice it.

You know nothing about your surroundings and you hate yourself for that. Isn't crazy how he says you don't even know your own mother?.

And what's more crazy about it is that his words is slowly getting inside your head that you couldn't help yourself but to think about it.

It seems like it's hunting you. You, your own mother. She's your mother yet you don't know her? Why what kind of woman she even is?.

You're on your bed, hugging your knees, you don't know why but right now the atmosphere inside your room is scaring you.

Not only inside your room but the whole mansion knowing that the man you fear is just lingering around you and in any second he can come inside eat you up with no mercy.

And as you just thought about him coming inside your room, well he just did. He went inside your room and looked at you secretly through the sliding transparent door from your balcony.

While hugging yourself, the atmosphere became more scary, you feel like someone is watching you. You hug yourself tight trying to take the negative emotions away from your thoughts.

You actually started teasing up, you just couldn't hold yourself back and let it out, your life is already fucked up and not it's worse than before.

You knew that your movement have limitation now, you knew he will keep an eye on you mostly after you've find out his real identity.

He won't give you the peace that you deserve.

You wanted to tell everyone about it but something is holding you back. You couldn't accept him being that kind of person, you can't accept him being who he truly is.

It hurts your ego how you still care about him after finding out the truth but there's one thing for sure, and that is you won't be looking at him in the same eyes that you used to looked at him.

The same eyes that full of affection, love, memorization and foolishness. You won't look at him the same way cause remember how you went through all those years made you grow hate towards him.

How can he do such a thing, how can he act like he cares and unbothered after hurting you, scaring you, bringing insecurities in you and he acted like nothing really happened.

He's a pure evil.

And his eyes shows that while he's looking at you. As the feeling of someone staring at you couldn't get out of your head you turn your head around and found the curtain open on your balcony's sliding door.

You slowly get up while wiping your tears away. While making your way towards it. You stood up Infront and pull the curtain from the left to the center as you also pulled the curtain from the right to the center.

You turned around wanting to get some rest after a long exhausting night, you slowly making your way to your bed when you heard the door slide.

Before you could even turn around, you're already pin down on your bed while a strong man is on top of you.

Hovered on top of you as he hungrily devoured his mouth on your like a beast. Your tongue fighting for it's freedom while he's sucking it inside your mouth.

You tried to fight for dominance to free yourself from him but you gave up when he bite your lower lips leaving you groaning in pain while you're bottom lips started to bleed.

He smirk between the massive heated make out lips, he pulled away gasping for air, you both breathe heavily while staring to each other's soul.

You look at him in hatred, disgust, hurted while you couldn't identify what kind of look that he has.

Part of you think it's love and affection and you're so dump for almost believing that because the second later he showed an unwanted smirk while looking at you with his dark odds.

His stares scared you, you suddenly started pushing him, hitting him, slapping him as much as you could just so you can free yourself from his manipulation effect.

You know that anytime soon if you didn't try to get away from him, he would have you under his control knowing that his touch is your weakness making you hate yourself even more than you already have.

Your efforts and energy got wasted because he's ten times more stronger than you.

He pulled you up from the bed and bend you down Infront of your mirror, moving his hand on the back of your head and press it on the flat surface.

Ripping your undergarment in the middle by his fingers, He started ramming his hard member inside you

making sure you scream his name everytime he thrusts. His balls crashed inside your pussy lips as you cried out, not only by pleasure but because of disgust.

"Look at me whóre" he said as he growled, making you open your eyes to look at him through the mirror. his toned body, his veiny hand growls made you nothing but weak.

Yes you used to love him when he does that but now you're hating it, you feel like it a big sin doing it with a sinner who's a devil in disguise who won't think twice to kîll anyone around you.

Soon you open your eyes, sweat all over your forehead as you gasps after waking up from a bad dream.

Or maybe it wasn't a dream.

Right now you're staring at him while he's laying his head on the wall Infront of your bed staring at your exposed thighs with cigarettes between his lips.

"You woke up early baby, I was just thinking what I wanted to do with you." He said while making his way towards you. Crawling to the bed while you're backing away.

He pulled your feet down making you lay down underneath his body as he hovered you before caressing your cheek and whispered.

"I told you, don't avoid me, I hate it. Don't try to run cause I'll make sure to hunt you down and eat you alive if you ever did." He says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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