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Sitting on the dining table while you mother is eating in front of you.  you're stared at your step father who's sitting on the edge of the table while on your right side is Jeon Jungkook.

The man who's sitting next to you together with his airplane hand that keeps landing on your thigh while you just keep on removing it without even giving him any single glance since last night.

You admit that it's turning you on by his action but you're also scared knowing that you're parents are in front of the both of you and also to be honest you're still scared that Jungkook might get hurt because of your Psychopath stalker.

While eating, Jungkook come closer to your ear when your parents aren't looking and whisper something in your ears.

"Don't ignore me, I hate being ignore specially when it comes to you Yn." He said as he glance at you while slowly moving away.

Jungkook pretended to drop his spoon on the floor as he moved his chair and to grab it but instead of grabbing the utensils, he grabbed your thigh and slowly made his hand on your area while you just widened your eyes and quickly put on your face Into a normal expression but to be honest you wanted to scream out loud.

He sit up while holding the spoon in his other hand, while his other hand slowly made it's way under your skirt and enter your pantie.

Slowly rubbing your clit, bitting your lips while giving him a look with your eyes wide open and his response is just a smirk.

You're about to put the spoon in your mouth when he suddenly insert two fingers inside your wet pussy that made you dropped the spoon and all the attention goes to you.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I excuse myself." You said as you grabbed the spoon and glance at him.

You take Jungkook's hand out of your pussy as you bow and get up from your sit before walking out of the dining room.

"What happened to Yn, Jungkook?." His father suddenly called out his son name making Jungkook looked at his father.

"Me? Why me?, I'm not even doing anything." He replied as he stood up from his seat with a little smirk appearing on his face before leaving the dining room and follow you behind.

Seeing him walking out of the dining room after you did. You wanted quickly run into your room to make sure you can avoid him but seems like you're unlucky because as soon as he walked out of the dining room he's head quickly turn on the direction where you're standing.

You manege to walk fast and ignore him while you knew the fact that he's actually fallowing you behind.

You successfully come inside your room but when you're about to lock the door Jungkook's hand appeared on your sight while his foot is in between the door and the frame.

Stopping it from closing, you tried so hard to close it but as soon as he used all of his straight you failed to close it while he successfully opened the door.

He look into your eyes while closing the door behind him and slowly made his way towards you.

"Just like I said, I don't like being ignore mostly by you princess."

"I'm not ignore you, Jungkook."

"Lie, that's a lie because ever since I come back from the mission you've been avoiding me, Yn.

"isn't that what we were before ignoring each other and only talk to one other when we need help or something."

He chuckles at your response. You look at him in confused as he started making his way towards you. Pinning you on the wall, locking you in-between his arms and whispered.

"Of course we do that but not until you let me taste you." He said with a smirk appearing on his lips

"Ohw yeah? But last time I checked today isn't your birthday anymore so you don't have any rights to touch me mostly to asked me suck your dirty dick, Jeon Jungkook." You replied while crossing your arms together.

"But I want it, I get it, and if I want you and your body meaning I can have it, and don't pretend that you don't like sucking my dick Yn because the night you taste it is the night you beg me to suck it more, it becomes your obsession Yn, I knew becomes your obsession.

He's right, sucking his dick become your obsession because right now he's laying on your bed while your head is in between his legs, sucking him dick and rubbing it at the same time but not only this that becomes your obsession but also his moan.

Releasing him cum inside your mouth as you didn't dare to throw it out or spill it but instead you shallow it all, he looks at you while breathing heavy.

You goes up to him and started kissing him roughly while he responds to the kiss, turning you around and switch places, Now that the  position change he's the one who started moving down to your wet area and enter two finger in your core while sucking your nipple at the same time and all you did it just moan and moan while letting himself do his work.

Opening your legs wide as he goes in between them and suck your pussy while licking it at the same time.

"J-Jungkook don't stop." You moan.

[I feel so unholy •-•]

My COLD and PSYCHOPATH Stepbrother | J.JK Where stories live. Discover now