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"What the hell are you talking about Yn? Are you out of your mind huh!!?." Jade stood up from her chair and shouted at you.

"I know, I know okay. You don't need to remind me that I'm such a who're for making out with my step brother but what can I do, it's his birthday wish." You said while trying to make excuses.

"Birthday wish or not you shouldn't done that Yn, what if your Psychopath stalker saw that, that means he will kìll Jungkook. Jungkook's life will be in danger do you understand that Yn." She said while burning in anger. You've never seen her this mad.

Looking at jade directly in the eye while she's talking.  You can see the care for Jungkook's safety in her eyes and it's giving you a different meaning.

Such a different meaning that you just wanted to burn her alive knowing that maybe or there's a chance that she likes Jungkook too.

"Jade, is there's any chance you like Jungkook?." You directly asked her. You won't play guessing game just to know if she likes Jungkook or not so you asked her directly.

"What of course not!!." She denied. She sigh and stared at you. You wanted to believe her but some parts of you just couldn't trust anyone at the moment even her words.

"Are you sure about that?." You asked her again wanting to confirm if she was telling the truth or not.

"Of course I am, I'm sure Yn, I won't lie to you, you know that right." She caresses your hand while giving you a simple smile.

Yeah, you can't feel it, you can't feel that she's lying or maybe it's because she's telling the truth. she don't like Jungkook and it's only you who's trying to think that she probably likes him.

"I'm sorry I thought you like him." You replayed while looking down on your feet. You kinda feel embarrassed accusing her out of no where when from the fact, it's actually you who likes Jungkook and not her.

"Why?, do you like him?, Yn" Jade waited for your answer. Looking into her eyes as you know that you can trust her because she's your best friend, you slowly nod.  She pulled you into a hug while closing her eyes and whispered through your ears.

"I hope you know what you're doing right now Yn because all I want is to keep you safe, that's all I wanted." She tighten the hug while feeling the pain hitting her directly in her heart.

You smile and you pulled out of the hug and hold both of her hand while giving her a sweet smile while nodding your head.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." You smiled at her again.  grabbing your bag and started walking away while waving your hands at her.

"What should I do for you to like me back, Cha Yn."

"I just like you so much and I hate myself for that." Jade stared at your disappearing figure with a pain in her chest.

"She just fell in love with her best friend."

Still doing your plan on ignoring him and you successfully did it cause for the passed 3 days, you didn't get into any contact with him or maybe you don't have a choice since he's not even at home for the past 3 days.

Uncle said that they have a mission to make so they couldn't be here for the past 3 days so it didn't bother you so much. But there's one thing that keeps on bothering you at this moment.

After what happened between you and Jungkook on the night of his birthday the psychopath stalker suddenly stopped coming inside your room.

How did you know about that? Well it's because your not having any hickey on my neck every morning. But one thing that never stopped, and it's the kîlling, he's still kìlling for you. He's kîlling everyone that will have physical contact with you but how come he didn't kìlled Jungkook?.

Is it because he's mafia? Is it because he's part of your family? Or is it because he didn't saw what you and Jungkook did that night?.

None of the above, why? It's because If he kîlls the man you slept with it, it's just mean he has to kîll himself.

Laying down on your bed when the door started making a little sound, you look at the door when a man started approaching you and walked in front of your bed.

You can still see a him because of the moon light coming from your open curtains, you can see him taking off his shirt as you quickly recognize his smell, that smell is from.

Jeon Jungkook

He walked closer to you while he's completely naked, he lay down next to you and he put her head on your neck smelling the scent coming from you.

You close your eyes pretending to be sleeping when he started sucking your neck, you widened your eyes because of his sudden action while trying your best to control yourself from moaning.

After a few minutes of controlling he finally stop and look at you while you quickly shut your eyes close as you fetl his lips on your forehead.

I don't know why but, why does his action looks familiar to me? Or it's just me who's think about such a thing.

But its really look familiar to me, it feels like I've always been going through the same thing. His movement and his touch looks so familiar.

My COLD and PSYCHOPATH Stepbrother | J.JK Where stories live. Discover now