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The man who's hidding behind curtain has been hearing all the words you've said, he's been hearing how you beg, how you cry, and how in pain you are right now.

But he didn't care, he did what he think it's right to do because that woman that he killed is the woman who want to steal his property and he believes that you're his property.

"I hate those tears, I only want then when you're underneath my body" he said those words as he slowly made his way to the open window then jump out of your room that made you stop from crying as you slowly walk towards the open window.

"W-who are you?" You asked as you stared at the man all wearing black while running away on the dark road that made it hard for you to recognize him.

"Are you going to Jade's funeral Yn?" You stop playing with your food as you look at your step father after asking you that question.

"U-uh, I can't I-I just don't. I don't want to attend the funeral" you replayed while stuttering a little as you continue playing with your food.

He sigh as he look at you then asked you a question again "Do you really want to move out?".

You stop with your movement again and slowly looking at him "M-move out?" You spoke.

"Yeah, move out isn't that what you want to do after all?" He asked you.

"Y-yeah, o-of course" you smile at his and he did the same.

"Then you better eat your food now and pack your things" you nod your head and started eating your food.

the man who's sitting Infront of you suddenly stand up from his seat and throw his plate on the ground that made it broke into pieces.

"Jeon Jungkook!! You're losing your mangers again!!" You step father raise his voice while standing up from his seat and quickly grabbed Jungkook's collar.

"Do I look like I care huh?" Jungkook replied to his father but he end up on the floor with his bleeding mouth after the hard impact of his father's punch.

You run to Jungkook while he's looking at him father with those mad and dark odds that he owns.

"I didn't raise you to be disrespectful just like what you are right now, expect your mother to be disappointed in you because of your stupid act". Mr.Jeon said while looking at his son who's lying on the floor.

"Don't you dare bring my mother here you brat!!" Jungkook shouted at his father while standing up on the floor about to punch his father but you immediately stoped him.

"My mother died because of you!! If you didn't cheat on her with that slût then I won't lose my mother!!". He shouted.


He's head turned the other side of the dinning room while you're standing in front of him with a tears in your eyes after you slap him.

he touches his right cheek right on where you slapped him, he chuckles and slowly looking at you but you keep your face straight showing No fear written in your facial expression.

"I already told you to stop calling my mother a slût because she's not that kind of woman Jungkook" you act strong as possible while facing him.

"Why can't you just accept it Yn, your mother is a slût" Jungkook said those words while slowly walking towards you that made you step back while he's moving forward.

"Just accept it because that's the truth" he caresses your hair while smiling but the smile fades away after you whisper in his ears.

"How can you be so heartless. Your action is so similar to him or maybe it's not just similar but." You stoped Infront of him as you stared at in his eyes.

"You and him are just the same person. Am I right?"

He back away from you then look at you in the eye, showing those tears building inside your eyes as you asked him.

"He's you, right?" You spoke again

"What are you talking about huh?! Have you lost your mind already?!" He started shouting at you but you can see that he terrified right now but why? Why does he looks scared? Is it because you're guessing it right?

"Stop it, you two" You step father walk in-between you two as he sigh and walked out of the dinning room after receiving a phone call from a important person.

Looking at the man's figure who slowly disappeared from his sight, he turned his eyes on you after his father's figure disappear from his sight.

"You're not as dumb as I thought you are, Baby" he smirk as he totally pin you on the wall.

"Y-you, you're the one who killed all of them?" You asked

"Isn't it obvious?. I killed them to have you princess, didn't you like it?" He said those words as he put his right hand of your neck and lick your cheeks "I did all of those because of you, aren't you happy about it?."

"Who would be happy killing being the reason of you killing people huh!?!" You shouted at him but he doesn't like what you said so he slap you that made you fall on the ground while holding your cheeks.

"Don't fucking shout at me!!, Stop acting as if you're really guilty and disgusted on me because you once beg me to put my d*ck inside your fucking ass" he grabbed your face tightly while saying those words Infront of your face

"Why why are you doing this to me!?!" You asked him while looking directly in his eyes.

"Well actually making you mine and fucking you is the first thing that I wanted to do but I decided to make you pay for my mother's death now" he smiled at you.

"W-what?" You looked at him in confused.

"My mother meet your father when your mother Is already dead so why do I have to pay!!."

"You don't know everything Yn, poor you. Your Mother is far different from being a good person as you thought she is" he said as he pulled you up from the floor and stand up Infront of him

"But for now, I'll enjoy your body first before getting rid of you my love, if I were you I won't choose to move out because once you move out I can control you easier than expected" he smirk while leaving you behind.

"You, You're such a dickhead Jeon Jungkook". You shouted

My COLD and PSYCHOPATH Stepbrother | J.JK Where stories live. Discover now