Think Only Tree

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You walked into school the next morning exhausted. There was barely a blink of sleep in your schedule last night. After your mother had given you word of your uncle again, you stayed up all night thinking about it. Tossing and turning, you weighed the odds.

Maybe you should meet him.

You were so consumed by these pressing thoughts, that you hadn't noticed the boys smiling at you like crazy. When you sat down, Ali let out a laugh and gestured to the three cobras staring at you.

Turning around and smiling, you laughed. "Can I help you?"

Tommy looked at Bobby, and the two of them switched seats. Now, Tommy was sitting directly behind you.

"Hi Tommy."

"Hi! Can I braid your hair?"

Certainly, you were not expecting to fill this square on your Monday bingo. "Uh... sure?"

Tommy giggled and immediately pulled your hair from your shoulders gently. Ali was laughing and shaking her head. You assumed she had been in this position before.

"Can I ask what all this is about?" You laughed.

As Tommy carefully crossed the sections of your hair over one another, he spoke calmly and slowly in concentration.

"My little sister is going to be a flower girl in my cousin's wedding. I want to learn to braid so I can do her hair."

The story warmed your heart. Turning to face Tommy, you grinned wildly. "Awe that's so sweet-"

He gently grabbed your head and adjusted it, speaking softly. "Head forward please."

"Oh, okay." You obeyed, stifling a laugh.

"So..." you heard Bobby laugh from behind Ali, "how was your date with Johnny?"

You nearly broke your neck trying to get a good look at his face. "My what-"

"Please stop moving." Tommy said politely.

"I told you, Bobby," Jimmy laughed from behind Tommy, "you shouldn't have mentioned it."

"I did not have a date with Johnny."

Bobby grinned. "That's not what we heard."

Your gaze fluttered to Ali. She rolled her eyes and turned to the cobras.

"Leave her alone you guys." She pleaded.

"Aw come on, Ali," Tommy giggled, "you were in her shoes once. You loved it when we talked to you like this."

She laughed. "Not true! Johnny and I were in a very open relationship, you never teased me like this."

"Oh that's right," Bobby recalled, "but since her and Johnny's relationship is private, we can't help but tease her. It's nothing personal."

You rolled your eyes and laughed in amusement, "you guys, I'm not dating Johnny."

"Tell him that!" Tommy yelled.

The three boys laughed. Even Ali found their teasing somewhat comical. Of course, that's just how these boys were. No matter the situation, they were always cracking jokes. You couldn't help but laugh along.

But one burning question left a part of you uneasy. Did Johnny really tell the boys you were a couple?

When P.E. rolled around, you marched straight up to him to find out.

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