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Mr. Miyagi's words took the entire drive back home to soak in. What had he meant when he said he knew your father taught you karate? And why did he want you to go back there tomorrow?

Your head was full of pondering questions, rotating like a carousel that wouldn't stop. You were so conflicted internally, that you walked into your apartment with a blank expression.

Your mother practically tackled you in a vicious hug the moment you walked in the door.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! You had me scared half to death young lady!"

Pulling back to look at her face, you examined the terror behind her eyes. It took a moment for her panic to register. You had almost forgotten your reasonings for running out of the apartment in the first place. The intention was to confront Johnny's step father without a solid plan, but instead you wound up in Mr. Miyagi's back yard.

"I'm sorry mom."

She shook her head, worried tears escaping her eyes as she looked you over thoroughly. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I didn't go, ma."

Her entire body shook with relief as she sighed out the last ounce of horror. She muttered a prayer under her breath before pulling you close again. "I'm so glad to hear that."

She pulled away from you again and kissed your forehead. Then, she turned on her heel and walked back into the living room. Now that you were home safe, she could relax.

You walked down the hall toward your room, thinking over the events of tonight. But what you weren't expecting was the main event to be sitting on your bed.

Johnny had his hands folded up to his mouth in contemplation, almost as if he were saying a prayer. Worry etched his face and your heart wrenched.

The moment he caught sight of you, he leapt to his feet and sprinted to your side. You didn't even have a moment to catch your breath before he pulled you into his arms and held you tightly.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! You could've been seriously hurt, you know that? You scared me half to death."

Although his worry was real, you couldn't help but smile. You were getting serious deja vu from the conversation you just had with your mother in the kitchen.

You were so close, that you could feel his heart rate returning to normal. He held you tighter for just a moment, his chin burying into your neck. His hand reached up and supported the back of your head as he spoke quietly.

"I was so worried about you. When your mom told me where you were headed I wanted to jump in the car and chase after you. I should have-"

"Johnny," you pulled away from him, "I didn't go."

His worry faded away, and was instantly replaced by thankfulness. Heart full, he melted into this new sensation that you immediately detected as relief and joy.

It lasted for a moment, before his curiosity kicked in. Still breathing heavy after coming down from his adrenaline high, he tilted his head slightly. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Then where did you go?"

You thought about your answer for a moment. Deciding against the full truth, you thought maybe it would be best left unsaid. But you filled the void with somewhat of a response. One that was true, and deep with meaning. An answer that you would have to eventually start coming to terms with.

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