When Roots Collide

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Sid's threat did not scare you.

You continued to hang around with Johnny and his friends as normal. Of course, you couldn't help but feel somewhat distant. There was so much going on behind the scenes that Johnny couldn't know about.

You must have been oddly quiet, because Johnny nudged you gently at the lunch table.

"You alright?" He spoke low enough that the other boys wouldn't hear.

"Yeah," you lied, "I'm fine."

Plastering on your fakest smile, you hoped that maybe he would buy it. Something about his facial expression suggested that he didn't, but he wasn't going to argue with you.

He nodded his head slowly before turning his eyes back to the boys, who were having a loud conversation.

"Aw man," Bobby laughed, "do you remember that time little Maxine came into the dojo?"

"Billy's little sister?" Dutch howled.


"Oh my gosh," Tommy laughed, "how could I forget?!"

"I'm pretty sure sensei peed his pants a little." Jimmy giggled.

"Dude," Johnny jumped in, "that girl was feisty!"

"You know, we never got to hear that entire conversation after Kreese chased the dad into the parking lot." Bobby said suddenly.

"You're right," Tommy gasped, "I feel like a part of me will be missing until we find out the details."

"It was hilarious," Johnny stated, "I've never seen Kreese so scared of a young teen girl."

You tried your hardest to follow along with the conversation, but you found yourself laughing hysterically with confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah!" Johnny turned to you, "Billy Hargrove was an old friend of ours. He used to do karate with us but moved away about a month or so ago. Anyway, his little step sister came skating in during practice one day and started telling Kreese that she wanted to join Cobra Kai. She was really demanding and Billy got so embarrassed, which made it ten times funnier! She just walked in and started calling the shots. Then, his dad came in a few minutes later and started yelling at Maxine, Billy's sister, to get back in the car. To top it all off, Kreese was frozen, man. Like a deer in headlights. As soon as the dad started to leave, he bolted out the doors after them. Plus, this was right before they moved away, so it's the last memory we have to connect to Billy."

"It was wild man," Dutch cackled, "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

Still not understanding, you tilted your head. You thought back to your first few weeks and California and smiled.

"Wait... Maxine? Dutch, weren't you trying to beat her high score on Dig Dug at Golf N' Stuff awhile ago?"

He blushed madly, his face reddening with anger. "Yeah. MadMax. Well I'm the one who is still mad!" He slammed his hand down to the table, the utensils in his hand clattering to the tray.

"Even from across the country, she is still just as legendary as she was for the two split seconds we saw her." Bobby shook his head.

"It's such a shame," Jimmy frowned, "she would've made a great cobra."

"Yeah," Johnny laughed, "too bad she's a girl. And we all know how Kreese feels about that."

Suddenly, all the eyes at the table shifted to you. Some of the boys tried to be subtle, while Dutch whipped his head around obviously.

Johnny's facial expression fell at the sight of you. "I didn't mean to say it like that."

"I know you didn't." You laughed, "you're speaking the truth. Grease is an idiot."

You expected some laughs from the boys, but nothing came. Immediately, you regretted your statement. Kreese was like a father to them. No matter what he had done, or what he would continue to do, John Kreese was someone who showed them a form of attention they couldn't get at home.

"I'm sorry." You said quietly.

"No," Johnny shook his head, "you're right."

You pressed your lips into a thin line as you looked at him. He had no idea how right you actually were. You felt ashamed to know information about their sensei that they didn't.

"Sensei is a bit crazy," Tommy chimed in solemnly, "but once you get to know him, you start to understand him."

"He's right," Bobby said, "Kreese just sees life differently then a lot of people. That's why his motto sounds so bizarre at first. But once you start to learn under him, it oddly makes sense."

Life shows no mercy, so why should you?

You sighed. They were right.

In an odd way, Kreese was right. You couldn't imagine going through everything he went through. And you weren't even sure if the boys knew about his losses either. There was a lot that both you and the boys didn't know about John Kreese. Things that for the sake of your own situation, you didn't want to know. But overall, Kreese had every right to be mad at the world. He had every right to seek ways to fight back. Although his methods were absurd and insane, they were coping mechanisms for him.

And he took the Cobras under his wing. These boys were broken, and he saw that as an opportunity to teach his lifestyle. He wanted to seal the cracks, and make these boys whole again. But the only way he could do that would be to show them no mercy. Because life shows no mercy.

In a certain aspect, you took this message to heart. You knew all about the merciless terror that life could rain upon an unfortunate soul. You've seen and witnessed heartbreak a thousand times over. For awhile, balance seemed like an impossible goal to reach. You had so much anger stored up inside of you. So much pain twisted in your veins and pierced your broken spirit. Moving to California gave that anger an opportunity to fly free.

For awhile, you took it out on the boys. Even when you first met them, you couldn't help but make snarky comments. You loved the thrill of messing with them, toying with their overall view of themselves. You immediately took them as the bullies, so you automatically began to play the game. It became so routine for you, that you hadn't noticed how quickly they became a comfort.

When you met Mr. Miyagi, you learned to control that adrenaline. He helped you reel it in, breaking the barriers down. This was overall how you discovered the brewing friendship with the cobras in the first place.

Mr. Miyagi taught you so many things about life. He distracted you for awhile, making you forget all about the move, or your yearning to have Greece back within your grasp. And after a few mistakes, more payback toward the Cobras that is, you learned to control your actions.

You were balanced.

But not just in Mr. Miyagi's teachings, but in Kreese's too.

Life showed no mercy, and so you became merciless. But your inner consciousness brought you back to reality.

Your roots were finally planted.

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