Holding Out For A Hero

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Terry Silver walked toward you with a wicked gleam in his eye.

"So you're the niece I've heard so much about."

"It's a shame that I have to be related to that psychopath," you mocked, "isn't it?"

He laughed before leaning down and placing his hands on his knees. He began speaking to you like a child. "Here's how this is going to go. No talking, no talking, and..."

"Let me guess, no talking?"

"Starting now."

You leaned back in the chair, hearing it creak loudly. Terry circled the chair like a piranha, examining you. He knew you were feisty, especially since you were related to his little friend. Perhaps you didn't have as much leverage as you hoped.

"What are you going to do while the boss man is gone?"

"I said no talking."

"But it's a simple question." You said over dramatically, "I just want to be good company. You know, we can always play a game of monopoly, uno-"

"Shut. Up."

"Or there's always Clue. That's a good one."

"How about we play the quiet game?"

You plastered on your best offended look. "Fine then," you shuffled in the chair, "be that way. You're no fun."

"This isn't supposed to be fun," he hissed, "in fact it's going to be very much the opposite for you."

Your eyes narrowed into slits. This man didn't scare you. You tilted your head, looking him over. Skinny man, tall height wise, a decent build, and a ponytail. That was all he had going for him from what you could presume.

"Really?" You laughed, "because messing with you sure is fun to me."

"Keep it up, I dare you."

"I like a challenge."

Your mind automatically clicked, bringing you back to a piece of advice that Johnny had given you not even a week ago.

"He likes a challenge, as long as you know going into it that you're not going to win. He thinks it builds character."

Although he was speaking about Kreese, perhaps this same notion could go for Silver as well. These men were arrogant, very skilled in their craft. They assumed that a lesser being could never overpower them, they believed themselves to be completely untouchable. But it was their unlucky day. If a challenge was what it took, you were willing to put everything on the line. Playing dumb and helpless could quite possibly be your out. Besides, this was Kreese's game overall. Every obstacle in your way was placed there by him. Meaning that him and Terry thought alike. He wouldn't trust someone incompetent to watch you, of course Silver would have to be a genius.

"Alright," you sighed considering he hadn't responded, "I'm done messing with you. I'll be quiet."

"For some reason, I don't believe that." Terry said.

"Believe it." You deadpanned, "I'm tired of fighting. There's no point in trying. You got me, I'm not gonna be able to go and distract Johnny as Kreese put it. You'll get your little trophy. And then you'll let me go."

Silver's laughter was laced with venom, the sound of it actually terrifying to your ears. Your heart pounded, giving up your confident facade.

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