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Chapter Eight: Let's pool game_________________________Little HavanaOrlando, Florida

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Chapter Eight: Let's pool game
Little Havana
Orlando, Florida

Billie and Roselani walk in the city of Little Havana. Watching the beautiful artwork of the Cuban culture. "I'm glad that you are free today. When you stayed at my house a week ago, it wasn't what I have planned." Billie smiled looking down, she's having her hands in her pockets. Roselani laughs glancing at Billie.

"Monica seems. Nice, she likes you." Roselani says. Billie glanced at her. "She's, beautiful and smart and she has the same job interest as you-." Roselani bites her lip getting a little nervous. Billie stands across from her holding Roselani's arms.

"So? You are more beautiful, intelligent and so sexy." Billie complimented with a flirt. Roselani blushes and smiled a little. "I'm in love with you. Only you, there's none else I want. I mean it." Billie smiled. Roselani nods. Billie slowly pulls her closer to her, wrapping her arms around Roselani. "So can we forget about that day and have finally some quality time?" Roselani smiled. "Just you and me. We can maybe dance a little or we can spend time in bed."

"Hmm." Roselani giggles, they leaned in.

"Hey, Billie!" They heard a voice. Billie sighed annoyed, Roselani bites her lip. They pulled away from each other. Billie's face changed when she sees Shanti with her sister Shayla. Billie smiled big. "Do you remember me?" Shayla laughs.

"Shayla? No way! What are you doing here?" Billie laughs they hugged each other tightly. Roselani watched them. Shanti glanced at Roselani and smiled at her, walking towards her.

"Hey, you must be Roselani. My name is Shanti, a friend of Billie's." She says, they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you!" Roselani smiled friendly.

Shanti nods. "Billie is right, you are cute. She can't stop talking about you at the studio." She whispered the last part. Roselani laughs glancing at Billie and Shayla. They had a nice conversation, Shayla smiled flirty at Billie touching her arm. Roselani's smile faded and she felt a wave of jealousy. Again. "This is my little sister Shayla." Billie and Shayla turn around. They walk over to Roselani and Shanti.

Shayla gasps looking at Roselani. "Oh-. Billie, your girlfriend is so pretty! When were you planned on telling me that you have a girlfriend oh my God!" She hit Billie's arm and greeted Roselani with a hug. Roselani blushes. Billie smiled and clears her throat.

"Anyway, I will see you guys later. Okay?" Billie took Roselani's hand ready to walk away from them. She gave the girls a sign that she wants to be alone with Roselani. Shayla and Shanti nod understanding.

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