𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 - 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Bullet means the end_________________________December, Little Havana Miami, Florida

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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Bullet means the end
December, Little Havana
Miami, Florida

"Let us out, Darren," Billie growled.

"Why? The party just started." He fast move to Roselani and gripped her tightly against him with his arm around her throat. Roselani tries to fight back but he was too strong. Billie, Hei, and Tyson wanted to help her but got stopped by a group full of gangsters holding guns. "Drop your weapon and your ballerina won't feel anything." He says.

"Let her first go!" Billie has her gun directed on Darren. He gripped her tightly, Roselani yelped. "HEE HEE! STOP IT NOW!" Billie shouted.

"I see you aren't dead, Tyson? You know I don't like people who betray me." Darren eyed him.

"It's enough Darren. Let Roselani go now."

Roselani gasped for air and tries to wiggle out of his grip. Hei watched her with hurt. "Let her go! Please!"

"I will. But first, follow my henchman's." They stand behind them and had their guns directed at Billie, Hei, and Tyson. They were forced to walk with them. "Drop the weapons. Now!" Billie and Tyson dropped their weapons to the ground and they followed them.

Billie glanced at Tyson. "You are bringing them nowhere." They saw Ricky standing at the other side of the room. Billie and Tyson watched him surprisingly, just then The Nemesis crew are standing behind him. "You first need to pass us." He says and the crew holds their weapons.

Roselani smiled big, she's proud that they are here. Darren watched them in confusion. "Who the fuck let them in!" He shouts glancing at his team.

"This needs to be a fair fight, Darren. There's something in the past we need to get done, now." Billie says and walks over to him with her hands up. "Let Roselani go." The Nemesis had their gun's pointed at The Sinners. Darren glanced at them. He clenched his jaw and let Roselani go. She dropped to the ground and cough a few times holding her neck.

"Rose!" Hei runs towards her and kneeled. She helped her up. Darryl appeared next to her brother.

"Darryl. Why?" Roselani watched him with hurt and tears streaming down her cheeks. "Look at the crew, the crew you have created with Billie." She points at the crew. Darryl watched them one by one. "Is it worth it? To follow someone that isn't right for all of us, we are your family Darryl! Your family who loves you and wants the good things for you!"

"Shut up!" Darren snapped at her. "We finally are reunited, brother. You know that." He says patting his shoulder. Darren handed him the gun. "Let's end this bullshit once and for all. You know what to do."

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