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Chapter Twelve: Family time!_________________________Lake EolaOrlando, Florida

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Chapter Twelve: Family time!
Lake Eola
Orlando, Florida

"No grammar mistakes! I see the progress, Roselani." Her tutor says and smiled at her. Roselani nods grabbing her pen. "For this weekend I want you to read this book. It's special made for people with dyslexia. It will help you more of understanding what you read and how you write certain words. Even though I know you are on a high level, I still want you to search for words you still have difficulties with, so we can practice on that." She explains to her. Roselani nods, taking the book.

"Thank you! It feels so nice to have someone who can teach me on such short notice. If I want to work as a nurse I should have proper reading and writing." Roselani put the book into her backpack.

Her tutor laughs. "Reading, yes. But writing, all the doctors have not so nice handwriting. Even though the grammar is important, but I believe you will get there very soon. Reading books is very important." She nods. "If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm here for you, Roselani."

Roselani nods and thanked her tutor, before leaving the library of the school. When she arrived at the apartment, she looked around the beautiful place Hei and Roselani created for themselves. They can say that the apartment is officially done which means that a housewarming is coming soon.

For starters, their family will visit them tomorrow. That will be the first time they are going to visit them in Orlando. They can't wait to see the apartment.

Roselani glanced at the time, seeing that it's four pm which means Hei is still having two hours of work. Roselani still feels bad that Hei has two jobs. Roselani has one job, working on her ballet career, her study, and extra lessons on her reading and writing. She doesn't have time to work extra hours which means there won't be enough money for them. So Hei decided a month ago to take two jobs at the cafe and movie theatre. She doesn't mind at all. But Roselani does. She wanted to pay Hei back someday.

She had one hour before she needs to go to the ballet school for her big role rehearsal. So she fast cooked something for Hei and herself before she got changed and get out of the house.

"No no no stop!" Donovan shouted. The pianist stopped playing in the piano and Roselani and Ben stopped with dancing. "Ben! You should lift her! Again!" Donovan sits down again. Roselani and Ben glanced at each other and started over. They beautifully danced ballet. Tyson who was cleaning the hallway glanced at Roselani and her dance partner. When Ben was about to lift her, he almost dropped her. Tyson snorted with amusement, continuing with mopping the floor.

Donovan dropped his script. "NO NO!" He screams angry making Roselani jump a little. He sighed and touched his head. "We take ten everyone!" Donovan shouts and walks out of the room. Roselani glanced at Ben, he was looking nervous as ever.

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