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Chapter Twenty-Two: It's a trap!_________________________Little Havana Miami, Florida

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Chapter Twenty-Two: It's a trap!
Little Havana
Miami, Florida

A few days earlier

A small warm breeze goes through Roselani's long hair. She closes her eyes and smiled a little, loving the Hawaiian atmosphere on her home island. She's having a pink Hibiscus brackenridgei flower in her hair, wearing a cute summer dress with flip flops. Something she would always wear here.

In Orlando, she's the girl who's doing college, the girl who works and socializes a lot with people around her. The girl with a little secret of being The Nemesis dancer. But when she's home in Hawaii, she's the Roselani she always has been. The Aloha inside of her, her family close, and the culture she used to know. She already has seen everything from it, but every time Roselani is surprised that she's one of the most beautiful cultures in the world.

She felt a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. Roselani smiled and opened her eyes. She turns around and faced Billie. "Today is our last day here," Billie says looking not all too happy. "Can't we just-. Stay here and start something here?"

Roselani giggled and touched Billie's cheek. "What about your career in Miami? You are doing so great! You shouldn't give that up." She caresses her cheek with her thumb. Billie sighed looking down.

"I want to work for us, Rose. I want us together I want to build something with you." She mumbled.

Roselani looked deep into Billie's eyes. Wanting to know if Billie isn't the one lying to herself. "Is that what you truly want? To be with me?" Roselani ask. Billie frowned. She smiled. "Billie, it's okay. There's so much going on between us." Roselani looked down holding her hands. "I want you to be honest with yourself. I want you to find out what you want, Billie. Don't you think it's fair for you to treat yourself what you deserve?" Roselani bites her lip looking into her eyes again. Billie looked away.

"Why are you saying this, Rose? Do you have feelings for him, or someone else?" Billie questioned and clenched her jaw. Roselani laughs.

"No. But maybe you are." Billie looked at her. "I love you and I want to be with you, again. But, I'm not blind Billie. I know you and I see the sparks in your eyes when-. You like someone." Roselani smiled a little. "I want you to be happy and honest. Can you do that? At least for me?" Billie nods. Roselani kisses her cheek and walks away from her.

Billie sighed and glanced at the ocean. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.


Billie opened her eyes slowly and looked around her. "Roselani." She mumbled and turns around seeing Roselani lying flat on the seats with her eyes closed. Billie's eyes widen. "Rose! ROSE!" Billie pushed the airbag away and unbuckled her seatbelt. She hissed when she feels a pain in her left rib. She looked next to her seeing that Tyson was waking up as well.

Roselani's Possibility // B.EWhere stories live. Discover now