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Chapter Eleven: haven't expected that _________________________Little HavanaMiami, Florida

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Chapter Eleven: haven't expected that
Little Havana
Miami, Florida

This Saturday morning, they sit down at the dinner table. Eating their breakfast. There was an awkward silence hanging. Darryl grabbed his coffee cup, glancing at the girls with a small smile on his face. He took a quiet sip of it not saying anything, yet.

Hei was making her perfect sandwich. She's sitting next to Darryl across from Roselani. She glanced at all of them and looked down at her sandwich again.

Roselani took a bite of her croissants, crumbling all over. She was reading the news on her phone, not wanting to make any contact with one of them.

Billie ate the last yogurt. She kept the spoon in her mouth, tapping her fingers against the table.

"So." Darryl started, everyone glanced at him. "Last night. What did the hell happen? Because I can't remember." He chuckled and slumped on his chair.

Billie pulls the spoon out of her mouth. "Neither do we, bro." Billie points at him with her spoon. "But I swear if you did stick your tingling in Roselani or me. I will fucking-." Billie stopped herself with a huff. Darryl put his hands up. Hei smiled.

"Hm. What if we had a foursome, who the fuck cares? It's us. No strangers, all tested on diseases." Hei shrugged taking a sip of her juice. Roselani blushed hard looking down. Hei and Billie glanced at each other for a moment, remembering something.

That Midnight

Billie accidentally dropped a plate. It clattered on the ground. "Fuck." She laughs and touches her head, feeling the dizziness of how drunk she was. She wanted to kneel but stopped herself by holding the counter of the kitchen. For Billie, it feels like she's almost falling to the ground. Hei walks over to Billie taking a sip of her strong liquid.

She laughs. "Are you succeeding? Gosh!" Hei blurts out and laughed, standing against the counter. Billie smiled standing up straight. "You know what they say! Shards bring happiness! Right or am I right?" Hei laughs again, wanting to take a sip but Billie grabbed her red cup. "Hee! You thief!" Hei laughs.

"You have enough. You are so fucked up." Billie grinned moving her pointer finger left and right. "Not gonna happen anymore, baby girl." Billie laughs. Hei smiled crossing her arms. "Yo, do you know what I realize? You didn't have the chance to pick truth or dare." Billie clicked with her finger pointing at Hei. She pointed at herself and laughs.

"Oh, Dare." Hei laughs touching her black hair.

Billie nods, not thinking straight. She smirked. "Okay, kiss your best friend's girlfriend. On here." Billie points at her lips and laugh. Hei gasps and laughed with Billie. "You won't do that! Pussy."

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