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Chapter Fourteen: The truth always comes above

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Chapter Fourteen: The truth always comes above.
Little Havana
Miami, Florida

Billie typed The Sinners on Google, trying to search for extra information about them. But there was nothing to be found. "That motherfucker lied to me!" She slams her fist against the table. She sighed and looked next to her at the newspaper. There was an article at the front, written with big bold letters corps found in Miami. Billie grabbed the newspaper and read the article. She stands up and grabbed her jacket before leaving her house.

She arrived at the studio. The ladies dance while Hei instructed them. "Five, six, seven, eighth." Hei counts for them while they do the choreography. When she sees Billie walking inside the room, she got a little distracted. Her eyes followed her steps towards the staircase. "And one, two three four." She counts again looking at the girls. Natalia stopped and looked up at Billie. "Pay attention, Nat!" Hei shouts through the music.

Natalia crosses her arms staring at Hei. "Excuse me?" She says. All the girls stopped and glanced at them. Hei press the music on pause.

"You heard me. Pay attention." Hei stands close to her. "When Billie arrives doesn't mean that you give the ninety-nine percent," Hei tells her. Some of the girls laugh quietly. Billie curiously glanced down at the girls, standing on the balcony.

Natalia raises her brows. "Who do you think you are? Don't act like you own this place."

Hei laughs looking at her freshly painted nails. "No, but technically you should listen to me if you want to succeed in the next flash mob. It would be awful if Billie would see you making a miss-step. Turn off." Hei uses her name. Natalia felt the anger coming up. Billie grinned and licked her lips.

"You know Hei, maybe you should go to a corner giving Darryl head. Your mouth shut suits you." Natalia says out loud, the girl's gasps. Hei narrowed her eyes, ready to throw hands at Natalia.

"Oh girls, stop it. Damn." Billie chuckled. They all looked up at her. "Hei, can I talk to you?" Hei nods walking towards the stairs. "Keep going ladies, the choreography looks nice, and Natalia. Stop before I stop you myself." Billie warned her and gave her a wink before walking into the office. Natalia bites her lip and laughs walking back to the girls.

Hei closes the door behind her. Billie leans against the desk looking at Hei. "How are we doing?" Billie asks. Hei sits down on a chair and looked up at her.

"It's going perfect, but we have one problem." Billie nods wanting her to continue. "Livia is sick. She can't get better by tomorrow." Hei bites her lip. Billie groans and looked up at the ceiling.

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