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Chapter Nineteen: New experiences_________________________Lake EolaOrlando, Florida

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Chapter Nineteen: New experiences
Lake Eola
Orlando, Florida

Roselani sighed and glanced at her notebook. Writing notes for her next homework. This is the last week before a one-week vacation of everything. On the vacation, she's going to Hawaii to spend Thanksgiving with her family. She misses them so much and can't wait to see them again.

The last class of today ended and Roselani said goodbye to her college friends before she's walking outside the huge college building. She took the steps, seeing Tyson standing there with his motor. Roselani smiled and walked over to him. They hug each other. "Hey! I saw your message, what's up?"

"Are you hungry?" He asked throwing the helmet to her so she would catch it. Roselani catches the helmet and narrows her eyes, looking at him. "Hm, that face. You are starving." He sits on his motor and puts his helmet on. "Let's go." Roselani laughs and puts her helmet on, she took a seat behind him.

"Hold on tight!" He glanced at her.

Roselani wraps her arm around his middle. "I am." She smiled. He smirked and started the motor. After ten minutes Tyson parked his motorcycle somewhere in a corner. They stepped out of it and took their helmets off, Roselani touches her hair looking around. "I never have been on this side before. Are there even food tents?" Tyson chuckled.

"I want you to taste something. You will love it." He smiled walking towards a hotdog food truck. Roselani frowned and smiled, walking after him. The man behind it greeted them nicely. "Hey Willem, can I have one hotdog for this pretty lady." Tyson points at Roselani. "And one for me please, do you like everything on it?" He asks glancing at her.

"Yes!" Her mouth watered when she sees the juicy sausage and the bread that looks soft and crusty. She hasn't eaten in the morning, so she can eat ten of those. "Hm, it looks so good. How did you found out about this?" Tyson shrugged turning to her.

"I was just exploring my new home, and I found this food truck with Willem's hot dogs. I give it a try and now it's-." He stopped himself and looked up he laughs. "I don't want to call it an addiction."

Roselani smiled. "No way! Now you want me to get addicted as well?" Tyson gave Willem the cash and grabbed the hotdogs, he gives one to Roselani.

"Supporting little entrepreneurs is important. You can use some extra bacon, ballerina." He grinned touching Roselani's arm. "Even though, I feel muscle mass." Roselani smiled proudly and walked forward.

When they sit on the grass of the park across, they take a bite of the hotdog. Roselani moans closing her eyes. "Oh my God. This is, amazing." She gasps taking another bite. There's all ketchup on her lip. Tyson watched her with a smile, chewing on his food. Roselani opened her eyes and looked at him. "I'm gross. I'm sorry." She laughs trying to find a napkin, but he touched her chin. Roselani stares at him, he is holding a napkin cleaning her lips.

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