3: Run Away

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thank you so much for all the nice comments<3

Enjoy loves<3 xx


Natalie's Pov:

My eyes fluttered open. I was in my bedroom i have no idea how i got in there.

I could here my dad and his "drinking buddies" yelling about something downstairs.

The sound of there voices brought flashbacks to what happened.

I decide to look at my phone, i have no idea what day it is.

I was out cold for two days, that's the longest i've ever been out it usually lasts for only a couple of hours.

My dad went to far this time i cant look at him.

The thought brings tears to my eyes.

I had to get out of here, i had to escape.

I know he will try to find me but i just can't handle this anymore every part of my body is hurting.

I need to think of a way so my dad won't see me. going downstairs would be to risky but there is really no where else.

The only way i can escape is from my window, It's a big drop but right now anything is better than being here.

I unlock the latches on my window letting the cool breeze hit my face making my eyes water.

I throw on a sweater and start climbing out the window quietly.

I got both of my legs out and was on my last arm i pulled my arm out of my room slowly but my sweater got caught on the side of the window.

I tried tugging on it but it wouldn't budge

I tugged on it hard and it came lose but i wasn't holding on, i fell hard hitting the side of the house causing a loud thud.

Great more bruises.

The door opened revealing my dad, shit.

His friends we're following close behind.

i had took a deep breath held back my tears and started running.

i don't know where i was going but anywhere else is safer than here.

i could here my dad yelling at me from behind saying every swear in the book.

i had to stop for a quick breath.

I heard my dad start the car and his friends we're running at me, i was tired but i knew i had to keep running.

they we're starting to gain on me.

so i went through an alley i looked behind no one was there.

i was so confused but kept running.

Niall's Pov:

Our concert was tomorrow night! i was so pumped.

I love that feeling you get when your out there performing in front of people who love you.

Me and the lads we're walking on the streets looking for somewhere to eat.

It was a chilly the day my cheeks we're rosy.

There was a lot of yelling going on somewhere wich was odd because i looked around and there was no one in sight.

"do you want to eat here?" Liam asked me politely.

"Maybe, depends" i say smiling.

Across from the restaurant was a dark alley.

I see a girl crying she kept looking behind her and was running.

i guess she wasn't paying attention when she was running because she hit the wall and fell, she wasn't moving so i panicked.

I got the boys attention and pointed at her, we all started running towards her.

we waited for a little while to see if she would wake up but she wasn't, we checked her pulse and she was still breathing.

There was something about her, she just seemed so innocent i couldn't just leave her.

so we decided to take her back to our hotel and wait for her to wake up so we knew what happened.

and hopefully she will be up soon.


There ya go(:

I really hope you enjoyed it, i worked hard(; haha

so please, fan, vote and comment!

Thanks for all the support<3 xx

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