15. Rollercoaster

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I really hope your enjoying the story so far(:

sorry if its boring but there will be drama so don't worry :P


Natalie's Pov:

"Lets go on this ride now" I said pulling on Niall's hand excitedly.

This day has been great, I made up with Harry and I get to spend the day with Niall. I cant believe he remembered me telling him I've always wanted to go on boardwalk. It's a great experience and I'm happy I get to share it with Niall it means a lot to me.

My thoughts were broken when the line up started moving to get on the ride, we were going on a rollercoaster and im to excited this is my first time ever being on one.

After waiting a little while it was finally our turn, my stomach had butterflies in it because I had no idea what this was gonna be like and because Niall had his arm protectively wrapped around me.

"is this your first time" Niall asked me while we were getting buckled in the seat.

I nodded my head excitedly at him and he smiled in response.

He gently grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Just in case you get scared" He said while winking at me.

I laughed in response and the rollercoaster started moving. We were climbing up the hill and the suspense was killing me. I gripped Niall's hand a bit tighter getting a little scared.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly and before I knew it we were going down the steep hill, I couldn't help but let out a scream. the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy and Niall was laughing at my reaction.

We got off and I felt amazing! I really enjoyed it.

"So did you like it" Niall asked as we walked around the amusement park enjoying the view.

"Yes" I said smiling.

"It's getting late so we should go back to the house now" He said looking down at me.

I nodded in response wishing we didn't have to go, I was having a great time. Niall caught on that didn't want to leave.

"Don't worry well come back here another day"


I entered my room and laid on the bed and let out a huge sigh, this has been such an eventful day.

I cant believe i'm happy for once in my life.

The walk back home was amazing, we walked in comfortable silence with Niall cracking some funny jokes every now and then.

I looked down at my new iPhone that Niall bought me today.

I honestly didn't need one cause these boys are the only people I really have in my life, but Niall insisted just in case of emergencies.

It was really thoughtful of him, it was my first phone! 

I put it down gently and decided to take a shower.

I turned the water on and hoped it the shower, the warm water was so soothing after this long eventful day.

After I got out I out my hair in a bun and decided to just wear some comfy clothes.

"Supper's ready everyone" Liam yelled to whoever was listening.

I started making my way towards the hallway when Harry came out of his room. He was dressed up nicely.

"Harry are you eating with us" I asked curiously.

"No I'm going out" He simply stated then walked away before I had the chance to respond.

I hope he's not going to do something stupid tonight, he has no reason after the good talk we had, But he's just been so distant towards everyone lately.

I made my way to the kitchen and sat beside Niall, it smelled like heaven in here.

"This looks so good Liam" I said smiling at him


"So is Harry gonna hurry up and come down here cause i'm starving" Niall said. I swear all he thinks about is food.

"actually he told me he's going out" I said quietly.

All of there heads shot up and looked at me.

"Did he say where" Zayn spoke quietly


Louis sighed loudly the rest of the boys seemed worried, honestly I was pretty worried to.

"Well we can eat then since he isn't coming" Liam spoke calmly.


After supper we just had a chill night and watched some movies. I could tell everyone was still worried, I don't want Harry to go out drinking every night like he used to, he was doing so good until the other night and I feel guilty every time I think about it, I can't but think I'm the reason why he's doing this.

The boys all fell asleep, Niall and zayn on a couch and Louis and Liam were sprawled out on the floor.

I decided I would just go up to my room.

As I was going up the stairs the front door opened and my heart began to race, I cant help but think that whenever that door opens in the middle of the night it's my dad.

"Don't worry it's just Harry" My mind tells me.

I peek my head around the wall and see Harry stumbling around. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders because it isn't my dad but I'm angry that he's drunk again.

"Harry" I whisper shouted not wanting to wake the boys up, they would be so mad to see harry in this state.

"Oh heyy Natt" Harry replied slurring his words.

"Why did you get drunk again" I said walking closer to him.

"Cause I cannn, you should see all the girls numbers I got tonight" He said laughing at himself.

"Just go to bed Harry"

"Your a buzz kill" he replied walking slowly.

He wasn't paying attention to anything, and it was really pissing me off.

He bangs into the table making it shake, I nice expensive decoration fell off of it causing it to shatter all over the floor.

Before I could respond Harry was laughing and the boys were up, he's gonna be in so much trouble.

"What the hell is going on" Louis yelled getting up off the floor.


cliff hanger(;

Sorry for the late update but I updated so yaay!!!

I might not be able to update for a while because I'm going to Jamaica soon(: yaaay!

But I love you's<33

Please update and vote cause it will really motivate me to update faster(:

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