4: Nice to meet you

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New part everyone!!!!!!

Please enjoy<3 xx


Natalie's Pov:

I woke up gasping for air, i looked around panicking this was not my bedroom. I blinked my eyes back and forth thinking this might just be a dream but it's reality.

I take time to look around the bedroom I'm in, the bed is king size and extremely comfortable, the blinds are open just a little but enough for the sun to slightly peek through.

There's random pictures hanging on the walls and a big flatscreen TV sitting on a dresser,  there was a door that was closed shut. i could here faint talking coming from the other side but couldn't make out what they we're saying.

I started panicking what if that was my dad and his friends on the other side of that door, my hands started shaking in fear.

But then i heard a loud laugh, the person continued to laugh, it was a adorable laugh so it sure coulnd't be my dad. they other people in the room started joining in with the laughing.

I got enough courage to stand up and go see who it was, i couldn't just sit in here all day hiding in fear.

I Looked in the mirror making sure i was somewhat presentable. i had a hair tie on my wrist so i but my hair into a bun and started walking towards the doorway.

My hand gentley grasped the door knob. I quietly opened the door but failed, as i was opening it the door decided to squeak.

5 boys eyes laid on me as i opened the door.  I was shocked, i don't know who they are my dad wouldn't let me talk to guys so i never had the chance to know anyone.

One of them quickly  rushed over to me when i finally had the door all the way open.

He was beautiful, his hair was a more natural brown with blonde streaks, a smile that could light up the room and though's blue orbs we're hypnotizing.

When he reached me he grabbed my hand which took me off guard causing me to flinch slightly.

"Thank god your okay" he said look at me with though's blue orbs.

"um d-d-oo i-i kno-w-w you-u" i say stuttering.

"No but we seen you crying and running like you we're escaping from someone or something and you weren't paying attention and you hit your head and passed out. we couldn't just leave you here so we brought you back to our hotel."

"Thank you so much, um i didn't get your name" i say curiously.

"It's Niall and what's your's gorgeous" he Said flashing me a grin.

That made my stomach flutter, it's been a long time since i've been called gorgeous or even got a compliment.

"It's Natalie" i say smiling back at him.

"What a lovely name. these are my friends"

we walked over to them.

He pointed to a with a buzz-cut hair style and chocolate brown eyes.

"That's Liam"

"pleasure meeting you Natalie" Liam said shaking my hand.

Next he pointed to a guy with a big smile and amazing green eyes.

"The name is Louis" he said winking and pulling me into a tight hug.

Then he pointed to a guy with black hair and a blonde streak in it,  he was handsome.

"My name is Zayn" he said shaking my hand then hugging me.

Lastly he pointed to a guy with brown curly hair cute dimples,  and breath taking green eyes.

"My name is harry love" He said taking my hand and kissing it softly.

"It's nice to meet all of you and thanks for taking care of me" i said looking at all of them.

"Not a problem" All of them said.

I excused my self to the bathroom and quietly went in it closing the door softly. they we're all breath taking and really nice people.

I took my sweater off and splashed water on my face, i just took some time to look at all of my bruises.

I felt welcome here but wasn't sure they could hurt me and there is five of them. it's hard to trust people after you've been hurt and burned so many times.

But there was something about though's five boys that was different.

A knock on the door caused me jump slightly.

"um it's Niall can i please come in?"

I decided to let him, maybe if i didn't he would hit me at least that's what my dad would do.

I opened the door and he slowly came in.

"I was just making sure you we're okay, you've been in here for a while" Niall said making eye contact with me.

"Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking" i say with he eyes still locked on mine.

he looked down and looked shocked, he came up to me and with concern spread across his face.

"W-what happened" he said pointing to my arms, which had bruises all over them.

Shit i forgot to put my sweater back on.

"i-it's nothing really" I say looking down.

"Please trust me, this is serious Natalie" he cupping my chin and rubbing it with his thumb.

"If i tell you will you promise you won't go after anyone and won't hurt me" I say looking my eyes into his.

"I would never hurt you" Niall said now wrapping is arms around my waist causing me to flinch again.

"I promise" he said sternley.


Okay that was a horrible chapter :(

I'm sorry I'm not a good writer but please continue to read because the next chapters will get better(:

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